After you have created and setup the details of an MDT Meeting via the Meeting List page (See 

“Adding MDT Meetings to the Meeting List”), you can create an agenda for this new MDT meeting by 

creating a roster of cases, selecting attendees for the meeting and recording the meeting outcomes.

The information on this page is separated into the following sections: “General Meeting 

Information”, “Create and Manage a Roster of Cases”, “Additional Features for Organizing the 

Roster”, “Manage List of Attendees” and “Conduct a Meeting.”

NOTE: Access to case information from the MDT Meeting List is limited to the Case/People access 

privileges assigned to the User. If the team member logged in does not have privilege to access 

“all cases” in NCAtrak, there may be some cases on the agenda that will display a

**Restricted** message and will be inaccessible for viewing and editing. 

General Meeting Information

The MDT Meetings List provides team members with the ability to see the dates, times, types, 

locations and cases on the agenda of MDT meetings.

STEP 1: Access the MDT Meeting List

Select “Meeting List” from the “MDT” dropdown menu on the left side of NCAtrak.

Figure 1. “Meeting List” on the MDT menu

STEP 2: Select Meeting

Locate the meeting you want to edit from the list of MDT meetings for your center and click on the 

“Details” button beside it.

Figure 2. “Details” button on the MDT Meetings table

You will be redirected to a page with the “General,” “Create Roster,” “Attendees,” and “Conduct 

Meeting,” tabs for managing the selected MDT meeting.

Figure 3. “General,” “Create Roster,” “Attendees,” and “Conduct Meeting,” tabs

STEP 3: Edit General Meeting Information

From the General Tab, you can view and edit the MDT Meeting date, time, location and type. You can 

also add any additional information in the “Comments” text box. This text box can be made bigger or 

smaller by clicking on the plus (+) or minus (-) buttons respectively.

If you want to adjourn this meeting, you can tick on the checkbox for “Adjourned.”

Figure 4. MDT Meeting Information fields

Click “Save” at the top of the page to save any changes, or “Cancel” to forego changes.

You can also click on the link “Return to MDT Meetings List” at the top right section of the page

to go back to the Meeting List page. This link is available in all tabs.

Figure 5. “Return to MDT Meetings List” link

Create and Manage a Roster of Cases

The “Create Roster” tab provides team members with MDT Meeting Management privileges the ability to 

create a list of cases your team will review during the meeting.

STEP 1: Create a Roster

Click on the “Create Roster” tab. There are several criteria to use to filter through all the open 

cases in the system that will help narrow down the number of cases that you will select from for 

the roster.

You can filter cases by Victim/Client last name OR by searching several other filter options in 

this tab.

Figure 6. “Create Roster” tab and Filter Criteria fields

STEP 2: Selecting Cases using the Filter by Victim/Client Last Name

If you have a specific client or list of clients to add to the roster, enter the client’s last name 

in the “Filter by victim/client last name” field.

Click on the “Retrieve Cases Matching Criteria” button below the list of filters to run the search 

for cases matching the filter you set.

Figure 7. “Retrieve Cases Matching Criteria” button

Names of clients that match the last name you have entered will populate the table below these 

filter criteria. The results will have the data divided into columns for Case Number, Age, 

Victim/client (Name), Date Received, Referral Reason, MDT Ready and Prior Recommendations.

Figure 8. Client data columns

You can tick on the checkbox for “Select All” to choose all the results that came up.

Figure 9. “Select All” checkbox

You can also just choose to add some of the cases by ticking on the check the box next to the case 

you would like to add to the meeting.

Figure 10. Select cases checkboxes and “Add Selected Cases to Roster” button

Once you are done with your selection, click on the button “Add Selected Cases to Roster”. All 

cases you have chosen will be added to the roster for this MDT meeting.

Figure 11. “Cases successfully added to the Roster” message

Click “OK” in the dialog box to close the message.

STEP 3: Select Case by Multiple Filter Options

If you choose not to use “Filter by victim/client last name”, there are several other options you 

can use. You can use just one, all or any combination of the filters to search through open cases.

Use one or more of the dropdown menu options, calendar options and check boxes seen below.

Figure 12. Drop down menu, calendar and check box filter options

Once you have set your filter criteria, click on the “Retrieve Cases Matching Criteria” button 

below the list of filters.

A list of cases matching the filter criteria you have set will be displayed in a table below.

You can choose to select all the results by putting a check mark beside the “Select All” option or 

you can choose to add only some of the cases by ticking on the check boxes next to the cases you 

want to be added to the roster. When you have completed choosing the cases, click on the “Add 

Selected Cases to Roster” button to add them to the roster for this MDT meeting.

You will receive a message in a dialog box to indicate that your selected cases were successfully 

added to the roster. Click “OK” in the dialog box to close the message.

Figure 13. Display of cases assigned to the meeting

When a case has been added to the meeting, this will be marked with “**” instead of having a

check box available to indicate they are already included in the meeting.

To search again, using a different set of filter criteria, click on the “Reset” button at the top, 

and repeat the steps above.

NOTE: Cases can also be added to a meeting roster at the time a case is created in “Create New

Case(s),” or they can be added from the MDT Tab within the case record.

STEP 4: Delete Cases from Meeting Roster

IMPORTANT: Before you can delete a case from an MDT meeting, you will have to delete anything that 

you have entered in the case(s) regarding this MDT meeting. For example, you have to mark everyone 

you set as having attended this meeting in a case record as not having attended or not present.

To delete a case, click on the “Conduct Meeting tab then click on the “Delete” button next to the 

case you want to remove from the agenda of this meeting.

Figure 14. “Delete” button on the Conduct Meeting tab

Click “OK” in the confirmation dialog box to proceed, or click “Cancel” to forego deleting this 

case from the roster.

Additional Features for Organizing the Roster

There are many ways to organize the roster before the meeting. Review the options below. Use one or 

more that are most beneficial to your team’s approach to case review.

OPTION 1: Sort the Roster

Click on the Column Header of your choice to sort the cases by that column. Example, if you click 

once on the “Victim/Client” column, you will see an upward arrow beside the column name and it will 

sort the cases in alphabetical order of the client’s name. If you click on the same column name 

again, it will sort it in reverse order.

You can manually sort the order of the cases on the agenda by using the up and down arrow

keys in the “Sort Order” column.

Figure 15. Sorting by column headers or sort order buttons

After you are done sorting the cases, click on the “Save Agenda Order” to save the sorting order 

for the cases on the agenda.

OPTION 2: Add the Amount of Time You Want to Allocate for Each Case Review

To allocate equal time intervals to review each case, type the number of minutes for each in the

“Enter time interval in minutes,” box.

Click the “Auto-Calculate Times” button. NCAtrak will automatically calculate the start time for 

each case review during the meeting. The calculation comes from the start time of the meeting 

(entered on the General tab of this MDT meeting) and the time interval.

Figure 16. “Enter time interval in minutes,” box and “Auto-Calculate Times” button

For example, if the meeting starts at 9:00 AM and you set the interval to 30 minutes, review of the 

first case on the roster will be scheduled to start at 9:00 then the next at 9:30, and the next 

after that at 10:00 and so on, until all cases in the list have an estimated start time.

Figure 17. “Enter time interval in minutes,” box and Time column

If you need to review two or more cases during the same time interval, or if you want to assign the 

amount of time by the case complexity, you can edit each row to enter the time you want.

NOTE: The Time column can be re-calculated if needed (maybe because you added a case to the list, 

or sorted the list again) by entering the time interval and clicking the “Auto-Calculate Times” 

button again.

Manage List of Attendees

The “Attendees” tab provides team members with MDT Meeting Management privileges the ability to 

create a list of attendees who will participate in the MDT Meeting.

STEP 1: Review Invited Attendees

The “Personnel invited to participate in this meeting” table will list the attendees selected to 

participate in the meeting. If you have previously set up a list of “Regular Attendees” for this 

type of meeting, they will automatically appear in the table. See the “Overview of MDT Meeting 

Setup” help file for more information on creating lists of regular attendees for different meeting 

types at your CAC.

Figure 18. “Personnel invited to participate in this meeting” table on the Attendees tab

Another way to add additional Attendees is to review the “Potential Attendee List.” This table is 

automatically populated with personnel who have cases on the roster but who are not already invited 

or set as a regular attendee in the meeting type selected for this MDT meeting.

STEP 2: Review and add Potential Attendees

Scroll down to the “Potential Attendee List.” This table is will contain personnel assigned to 

cases on the roster, who are not already listed in the “Personnel invited to participate in this 

meeting” table above.

Check the box next to Potential Attendees you wish to invite to the meeting. Check the “Select All” 

box to choose the entire list with one click.

Click “Add Selected Personnel as Attendees,” and your selections will move to the table for

“Personnel invited to participate in this meeting” at the top.

Figure 19. “Add Selected Personnel as Attendees,” and select cases check boxes

STEP 3: Add Additional Attendees

Once you have reviewed the lists of Invited Attendees and Potential Attendees, you can add 

additional attendees who are not in these lists but you want to include in the MDT meeting.

To do this, click on the “Add Attendee” button in the “Personnel invited to participate in this 

meeting” section.

Figure 20. “Add Attendee” button in the “Personnel invited to participate in this meeting” section

A dialog box with Agency and Person fields for you to fill out will come up.

Figure 21. Agency and Person fields

Click on the “Update” button to add the attendee or “Cancel” to forego adding the attendee and 

return to the list.

Repeat for each attendee you wish to add until all are listed.

STEP 4: Remove attendees from the MDT meeting

Click on the “Delete” button next to the attendee.

Figure 22. “Delete” button on the “Personnel invited to participate in this meeting” section

Click “OK” in the confirmation dialog box to delete the attendee from the list or click “Cancel” in 

the to forego the change.

NOTE: If you deleted an attendee that you added from the “Potential Attendee List”, the

person will be removed from the “Personnel Invited to participate in this meeting” table and will 

move back to the “Potential Attendee List”.

Conduct a Meeting

You can use NCATrak during your MDT Meeting to display the agenda and related case information to 

meeting attendees. It is best to have the person displaying the meeting information be one who has 

access to all cases and people associated with the cases.

Step 1: Display the Meeting Roster

Select “Meeting List” from the “MDT” dropdown menu on the lefthand side of NCAtrak. This will bring 

you to the MDT Meeting List page which displays all the MDT meetings for your center. Locate the 

meeting you are conducting from the list and click on the “Details” button beside it.

Figure 23. “Delete” button on the MDT Meetings table

You will be redirected to the page where you can manage the different details of the MDT meeting 

and you can see the General, Create Roster, Attendees and Conduct Meeting tabs.

Step 2: Select a case to review

Click on the “Conduct Meeting” tab. Locate the case to review and click on the case number. The 

case will appear in a second window and you will be at the MDT Tab by default.

Figure 24. Locating a case to review in the “No.” column

Step 3: Review the Case in the Case Record

The Investigation Summary table is displayed on this MDT tab.

All other tabs in the case record are also available to review with the team.

Step 4: Enter Recommendations, MDT Meeting Results and Case Review Notes

While still in the case record, scroll to the bottom of the MDT tab to the “MDT Meeting Results” 


Locate the row that represents this case review meeting (Date, time and meeting type should match 

the meeting you are now conducting).

Click “Edit” to enter data in the case for this MDT meeting.

Figure 25. “Edit” button on the MDt Meeting Results table

Check the checkboxes for attendees who participate in the review. “Select All” will check all at 

one time, then you can delete one at a time if needed.

Check Recommendations boxes, add any notes or Comments in the text boxes.

Click the “Save” button to save data, or click “Cancel” to forego saving any changes.

Figure 26. “Attendees Present at Review,” Attendees,” “Recommendations,” and “Comments”


The five fields below the Comments section are custom fields you can add for your center. If you do 

not use them, you will not see any field after the Comments text box.

NOTE: Attendees are not editable from here. To add or delete an attendee, use the Attendees tab for 

this MDT meeting.

Step 5: Return to Meeting Roster

When you have finished reviewing the case, you can close the window containing the case record and 

return to the window which has the “Conduct Meeting” tab.

Click on the “Refresh Data” button above the case roster. The roster will be updated to display the 

recommendations you have added to the cases in the roster.

Figure 27. “Refresh Data” button on the Conduct Meeting tab

Step 6: Repeat Steps 2-5 until all cases are reviewed.

Step 7: Download documents to the meeting

Any documents such as sign in sheets or meeting notes can be uploaded to the Meeting.

Figure 28. Document Upload

Step 8: Adjourn the Meeting

Click on the “General” tab at the top. Tick on the “Adjourned” checkbox.

Click “Save.” This will make all the meeting results entered in each case record read- 

only/un-editable and will mark all cases with an adjourned meeting in their respective Case Tracking 


Figure 29. Adjourned checkbox

NOTE: It is recommended that these steps be completed in real time during the meeting. If you

choose not to update the MDT Meeting record during the meeting, take notes manually. When the 

meeting is over, follow these same steps to finish your updates to your case information

and adjourn the meeting.