The Personnel page provides CACs with the ability to maintain a list of personnel that provide services to children, and/or refer children for services. These names are displayed in the ‘Person’ pick lists in the system, and are maintained separately from people directly related to a case, (mothers, siblings, alleged victims/clients and offenders).

This page also provides CACs with the ability to authorize and manage user accounts. Some people listed in the Personnel Page will have NCAtrak user accounts and others will not. This is at the discretion of your CAC’s NCAtrak Security Officer.

You must be granted access to this page to be able to view or edit the personnel for your CAC. Update access to this page is included in the Security Officer role.

Display Personnel Lists and Filter Table to Show Personnel from a Specific Agency

To access the “Personnel” page, click the dropdown under “Administration” from the menu on the left side of NCAtrak, and select “Personnel.”

Figure 1. “Personnel” in the Administration menu

This will bring you to the “Admin - Personnel” page. From here, you can change the list to display only personnel associated with a particular agency. Select the agency from the dropdown list for Filter by Agency. This list includes all of the agencies you have entered in the Agencies page and is set to none by default.

Figure 2. Filter by Agency field

The page will refresh to display personnel from the agency selected in the filter.

Display Removed Agency Personnel

Tick on the “Display Removed Agency Personnel” checkbox.

Figure 3. “Display Removed Agency Personnel” checkbox

The page will refresh and the list of personnel will include all personnel that has been marked as removed. They will be displayed first in the list unless you sort the list after choosing to display the removed personnel.

Add a New Person

Click on the “Add Personnel” button. You will be redirected to the “Personnel Information” page where you can enter all the details for the new personnel.

Figure 4. “Add Personnel” button

Enter all the information for your new personnel. If an NCAtrak account will not be created for the new personnel, the first name, last name and agency are required to save the record. Other fields are optional. After you have entered all information for the new personnel and clicked on the Save button, you will be redirected back to the Admin – Personnel page.

Note: See “Personnel Information Data Fields,” for a description of the personnel information data fields in this section, and how to use them.

Authorize a User Account

If an NCAtrak user account is needed for the new person, which means the new person needs to log in to NCAtrak, tick on the “Authorize User Account” checkbox after you fill out the new person’s information. An email address and username will be required if this option is checked before you can save the new person.

Figure 5. “Authorize User Account” checkbox

If you would like to create a user account for an existing person in the database, locate the person you wish to authorize as a user in the list of personnel. Click “Edit” in the action column beside the selected person’s name.

Figure 6. “Edit” button

This will bring you to the Personnel Information page for the selected person. Tick on the “Authorize User Account” checkbox.

A new section will appear below this checkbox where you can assign a role to the user and create his account information.

Figure 7. “Assigned User Roles” list and “User Account Information” fields

Each person with an NCAtrak user account must be assigned at least 1 role. A role defines what the person is authorized to see and do in the system. Be sure you know about the Role(s) you are assigning and the privileges granted to the user. You can select more than one role for a User. They will have the highest level of privileges available in the Roles selected for all parts of the system. If you are not sure, click “Cancel” and review the Roles in the “Roles” page.

Choose the role you want to assign to the user in the list of Available roles and click on it. To select multiple roles, hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking on additional roles. Click on the arrowhead pointing to the right beside the list of available roles to assign the role(s) to the user.

Figure 8. Arrowhead pointing to the right beside the list of available roles

All of the chosen roles should now appear in the “Selected” table. You can add additional roles by repeating the same process.

Figure 9. “Selected” table

If you want to remove a role, click on the role you want to unassign and click on the arrowhead pointing to the left beside the list of available roles.

Figure 10. Arrowhead pointing to the left beside the list of available roles

This will move the role you want to remove back to the list of available roles.

Create a username for the new account using the person’s last name and first letter of his/her first name. When you save this information, the system will check to see if the username is already used by any other NCAtrak user. If it is already assigned to another user, you will get a message. Simply type a different username and try to save again. You can use any username you want as long as no other user has already used it.

There are two text boxes for the password. Create a temporary password for the user that they will use only the first time they login. All new users have to do a password reset via the “Forgot your password?” link at the NCAtrak login page at their first login. Refer to the “Password Reset Self Service” help file for more information.

Enter the password in both textboxes. Passwords must be between 8-16 characters and should include one of each of the following:

• one lower case letter

• one upper case letter

• one number and

• one special character (~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, +, -, <, >, ?, or |)

NCAtrak security requires users to verify their account with a verification code sent via text message or email every 30 days.

Security Officers will be able to update profiles from the Administration Tab Personnel in the area below the password.

Be sure to click “Save” at the top of the page to save user information, role assignments and passwords. You should receive a message that the information was successfully saved.

Note: If the username is already assigned to another user, the passwords do not match, or the passwords do not contain the required elements, an error message specific to that issue will appear in red at the top of the page. Information will not be saved to the user account until the error is corrected and you click on save once more.

Edit a Person’s Information

Locate the person you wish to edit in the personnel table. Click on the “Edit” button in the action column beside the person’s name.

Figure 11. “Edit” button

Change the information as needed. If the user does not have a User Account, one can be added as described in “Authorize a User Account,” above. Click “Save” at the top of the page to save your changes and return to the list of Personnel.

CEU Tracking and Background Checks

The “CEU Tracking” section allows you to record continuing education (CEU) credits and track progress towards meeting the continuing education requirements required under the NCA Standards for Accreditation. Likewise, this section allows you to enter the date of the person’s most recent background check.

Security Officers/Administrators can access these features here in the Personnel section to enter CEU credits for other personnel or authorized users can access and maintain their own CEUs and background check dates through the “Update My Profile” feature.

The process for recording CEUs and background checks is the same, whether accessed through Personnel or Update My Profile. For a full description on recording and tracking CEUs and background dates, refer to the “Update My Profile” help file.

Remove/Delete a Person from the Pick Lists

You cannot delete a person from the system since their name may be associated with past cases. However, you can remove a person from the Pick Lists so the personnel no longer show as an option in any of the Person pick lists or be selected accidentally.

Locate the person you wish to remove in the personnel table. Click on the “Edit” button in the action column beside the name of the person you want to edit the information for.

Figure 12. “Edit” button

Click on the “Remove from Pick Lists” check box. If the person has a user account, it will be disabled. This person will not be able to log on to NCAtrak anymore. Click on the “Save” button at the top of the page to save the changes and return to the list of Personnel.

Figure 13. “Remove from Pick Lists” check box

Unlock a User Account

Locate the person in the personnel table. Click on the “Edit” button in the action column beside the person’s name.

Figure 14. “Edit” button

Scroll down to the “User Account Information” section. Look at the “Account Disabled” checkbox. If it is checked, uncheck it to enable the account.

Figure 15. “Account Disabled” checkbox

Click on the “Change Password” button to enter a new temporary password for the user. The password must be entered in both password fields. Click on the “Save” button at the top of the page to save your changes.

Figure 16. “Change Password” button

Disable a User Account

Locate the person whose account you wish to disable in the personnel table. Click on the “Edit” button in the action column beside the person’s name.

Figure 17. “Edit” button

Scroll down to the “User Account Information” section. Un-assign all roles assigned to the user account. Put a checkmark on the checkbox for “Account Disabled”.

Remove the checkmark in the “Authorize User Account” checkbox. Click on the “Save” button at the top of the page to save the changes and return to the list of personnel. The person will no longer be able to login to NCAtrak but will remain listed in the pick lists. If you want to remove the person from the pick lists as well, you can tick on the checkbox for the “Remove from Pick Lists”.

Personnel Information Data Fields

Personnel Page
Information about using the field
Personnel Information
First Name, Last Name
Enter the name of the person the way you want it to appear in the database.

This is the designation that you want to appear at the front of a person’s name, for example, “Dr.” for a doctor.

This is a designation that you want to appear at the end of the person’s name, for example, “LCSW” for Licensed Clinical Social Worker. 

Phone Number
Enter 7 or 10 consecutive numbers and the system will format the number for you like: (xxx) xxx-xxxx. If you need to include an extension, enter an “x” immediately after the last number and it will display like: (###) ###-####x####.

Add the email to see it as part of the contact information available in the case record. This is required if a user will have an NCAtrak account.

Select the agency that this person works for from the pick list. If the agency is not listed here, go to the Agency Page and enter it there.

Blind Forensic Interviewer
If your policy is to limit the Forensic Interviewer’s access to the case information until after the interview has been conducted, and the person you are entering conducts Forensic Interviews, check this box. This works with the CAC/MDT Set-up Page “Restrict Forensic Interviewer Case Access” check box to limit access to data about the allegation until the Forensic Interview is completed.

Authorize a User Account
If this person is someone you want to have a user name and password, click this check box. Additional fields will display.

Remove from Pick Lists
Check this box in the event that this person terminates their services as a person working with CAC cases. When you do, their name will no longer display in the personnel pick lists throughout the system, and if they have a user account, it will be disabled.
Assigned User Roles

Available - This list displays all of the roles that have been created by your CAC.

Selected - This list displays the roles that you have assigned to this person.

To assign a role:

• Click on the role name in the “Available” list

• Click the “Add” button

• The role name will appear in the “Selected” list

To remove a role:

• Click on the role name in the “Selected” list

• Click the “Remove” button

• The role name will display in the “Available” list

User Account Information

• The Username will automatically display the last name and first initial of the person you are entering. This can be used for the Username if it is not already in use by another NCAtrak user, (including people not at your CAC). NCAtrak will not allow duplicate Usernames even from different CACs.

• You can alter the username or create a new one by typing over the username in the text field.

Change Password on Next Login
NCAtrak requires users to create their own passwords. The one you create for them is considered a temporary password – good only for the first login. The user will be prompted to create a new one at the time they first log in with the temporary password. This checkbox will be automatically checked when you are first creating the user account.


• A password must be at least 8 to 16 characters, at least one upper and one lower case letter, and at least 1 special character and 1 number. It cannot contain the user name, and cannot be the same as any of the past ten passwords used by this user.

• You will need to enter it twice. The second entry is to verify the password that you want.

Account Disabled
This checkbox is automatically checked after the third unsuccessful attempt of a person using this Username with an incorrect password. This checkbox can also be checked by the Security Officer to disable a person’s account for a temporary or permanent timeframe.

Last Password Change Date
Displays the date of the most recent change to this person’s password. Users can change their own password at any time by going to “About Me” in the NCAtrak Menu.

Failed Login Attempts
This will automatically count the number of times that someone has used this person’s Username and an incorrect password to login – up to 3 times – then their account is locked and they cannot access the system. Doing a password reset via the password reset self-service tool will enable their account again.

Verification Phone NumberWhen entering the verification phone number, the formatting is as follows:                 (555) 555-5555

Verification Email

Check box if user prefers receiving two factor code via phone number. Leave unchecked for email.
If you prefer to receive the two-factor code via phone number, please check the box. If you prefer to receive the two-factor code via email leave the box unchecked.

Note: The same verification phone number or email address can be used on multiple user accounts.