IMPORTANT: Please note that information you will see in the screenshots do not pertain to real people or cases in an actual CAC. These are all made up names and cases from our fake CAC that we use for testing and other purposes.

The Home page is a starting place for each user. It is the default page that appears when logging into NCAtrak and it can also be accessed from any page by clicking on the house icon next to the user’s name at the top right corner of the page.

Figure 1. House Icon

The Homepage consists of a “Case List” tab and a “Dashboard” tab. The information on this page is separated into the following sections: “Change the Type of Cases Displayed in the Case List,” “Navigation in the Case List,” “Customize the Case List” and “Filter Cases in the Case List.”

Details on using the Dashboard, including performance indicator tools and the calendar, can be found in the “Dashboard” help file.

The Case List provides easy access to some frequently used information about cases in NCATrak. The Dashboard includes a series of dynamic performance indicator tools and a calendar feature.

Figure 2. Case List

Use the options below to customize the Case List to show you information that you would like to see.

NOTE: The Case List will only display information about cases that you are authorized to view or edit.

Change the Type of Cases Displayed in the Case List

Tick on the radio button beside the option you prefer. Each time you return to the Home page, your Cases spreadsheet will display My Open Cases by default. You can select other options by clicking one of the following radio buttons:

OPTION 1: My Open Cases

Displays cases you are assigned to that do not have a date entered on the Case Closed Date (on the General Tab) and do not have a closed date entered on the case tab for your activity or service. For example, if you are assigned as the VA contact and there is no date closed on the VA Tab.

Note: See the document titled My Open and Closed Cases for more information

OPTION 2: My Closed Cases

Displays all cases you are assigned to where the activity you are responsible for is complete and the date completed or closed is entered on the applicable tab. For example, if you are the Forensic Interviewer, this option will show you all the cases with a date in the FI Date Complete Field on the FI tab.

Note: If you are assigned to more than one service for this case, it may display in My Open Cases and My Closed Cases (one service completed and the other still open).

OPTION 3: All Open Cases

Displays all cases that do not have a Case Closed Date entered on the case General Tab. These cases will be in various states of completion from just referred to pending prosecution but they will display here until the Case Closed Date is entered in the General tab.

OPTION 4: All Closed Cases

Displays all cases where the case has been closed on the General tab by the CAC (all applicable services are complete). That means a date has been entered under “Case Closed Date” and a reason has been selected for “Case Closed Reason” field in the General tab.

Figure 3. Case Display Options

Change the Number of Cases Displayed in the Case List

Click on the “Items per page” dropdown list on the bottom of the page to select the maximum number of cases to display on each page. The system will default to 20 cases but you can change your preference to 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 or All. The system will remember your preference.

Figure 4. “Items per page” dropdown list

Navigation in the Case List

OPTION 1: Navigate by Page Number

Use the arrows on the page footer at the bottom left of the Case List to navigate between pages. There are two buttons with arrows on each side of the Page Display. If your case list has multiple pages, the number 0 will change to reflect the number of pages.

Figure 5. Page Numbers and Arrows

The button with two arrows pointing towards the left will take you to the first page and the button with one arrow pointing to the left will move you towards the beginning by one page.

The button with two arrows pointing towards the right will take you to the last page and the button with one arrow pointing to the right will move you towards the end by one page.

OPTION 2: Accessing Case Records from the Case List

You can navigate directly to a page in the case record from the Case List by clicking on any field in the Case List. NCATrak will navigate to the page in the case record that corresponds to the data field you selected.

For example, if you click on the “CAC Case Number”, you will be redirected to the General Tab of the selected case and if you click on a name under the “Alleged Victim/Client” column, you will be redirected to the person’s Bio page.

Customize the Case List

The default setting for the Case List is to include the CAC Case Number and the Alleged Victim/Client name but it can be customized to include a number of other data fields from the case record. You can configure this to display the information you want to see and your settings will be saved and will be retained every time you log in until you change it again.

Click on the “Config” button at the upper right corner of the Case List.

Figure 6. “Config” button

A dialog box called “Customize Cases Table” will come up that will allow you to add more fields to your case list.

Figure 7. “Customize Cases Table” dialog box

Use the options presented to customize the Case List from this area.

OPTION 1: Add Data Fields

Use the “Customize Cases Table” dialog box to add data fields to be displayed on your case list.

Click on the dropdown menu for the Data Category and scroll through the following options in the list.

• Alleged Client/Victim Information

• Case Record Management

• CPS Tab

• FI Tab

• General Tab

• LE Tab

• Med Tab

• MH Tab

• Presenting Tab

• Prosecution Tab

• VA Tab

Choose which Data Category or section of the case record to select a data field from. Once you make a selection for the Data Category, a list of options will appear with check boxes for specific data fields located in that part of the case record.

Tick on one or more checkboxes to select the data fields you want to be displayed on your Case List.

Figure 8. Data Categories and Data Field Selection

Click “Save” to add the data field or click “Cancel” to forego the change.

The data fields you have chosen will appear in the Customize Cases Table.

Click on the “Close” button to return to the Case List.

OPTION 2: Sort Data Field Order

Use the arrows in the “Sort Order” column to move data fields in the Table.

The up arrow corresponds to the data field moving to the left in the Case List. Conversely, the down arrow moves data fields to the right.

Figure 9. “Sort Order” Arrows

Click on the “Close” button to return to the Case List.

OPTION 3: Remove a Data Field

In the “Customize Cases Table” dialog box, click on the “Delete” button in the row of the data field you want to remove.

Click “OK” in the confirmation dialog box to proceed or click “Cancel” in the confirmation dialog box to forego the change.

Figure 10. “Delete” data field

Click the “Close” button to return to the Case List.

Filter Cases in the Case List

Each column contains a filter icon at the top found on the column header name.

Figure 11. Column Filter Icons

Click on the filter icon to view the options for the filter and select the option(s) you want to use.

Click on the “Filter” button to display the new Case List results matching the filter criteria you have set or “Cancel” to forego changes.