The below link provides access to video tutorials for submitting statistics.

The NCA Report page provides CACs with the ability to generate the NCA Statistical Report from data 

entered in NCAtrak, identify and enter missing data, and submit these statistics to NCA. Centers 

can run the report for any date range desired, and can view previous report submissions to NCA. 

Instructions for working in the page are included in the steps that follow for preparing and 

submitting the report.


Preparing and Submitting the NCA Statistics Report

STEP 1: Run the report without actually submitting to NCA

Select “NCA” under the “Reports” drop down menu on the left side of the screen.

Figure 1. “NCA” on the Reports Menu

You can choose the Report Date Range by using either “By Period & Year” or “By Specific Dates”

to set the date range for your report.

Click on the “View Center Statistics” button.

Figure 2. “View Center Statistics” Button

The NCA Statistics Report for your selected date range will be displayed in a new tab/window in PDF 

format. Use the features of Adobe Reader to print or save the report as desired.

Figure 3. NCA Statistics Report

STEP 2: Improve and Troubleshoot Report Results

Sometimes the report doesn’t add up the way you expect. There are some things you can do to figure 

out what’s wrong. NCA formatted this report to count exactly the way it wants you to report. They 

know there is much more they could ask and you can tell but this report is designed the way they 

need it.

General things to know - The report is not counting children served (except the last question) – 

it’s counting cases received during the reporting period. If a child has more than one case during 

the reporting period it will count both case so long as both cases meet the other criteria below. 

Also, it is not automatically counting every case you opened during the reporting period. For a 

case to be counted it must meet the following minimum criteria (for all questions except the last 


    •  The alleged victim is 18 years old or younger (Cases where the alleged victims are over 18 years 

        old will not be counted in the report).

    •  The reason for the referral is “Allegation of Abuse” (Other direct services and other indirect 

        services cases are counted in the last question only).

    •  The date the case was received by the CAC is during the reporting period.

View Missing Data Table – This table is designed to help you identify commonly used case record 

data fields that should, if at all possible, be completed.

NOTE: Not all data fields used in the NCA report are represented in the Missing Data table because 

sometimes they are not applicable to the needs of the case. For example, you may have a case where a

medical exam is not warranted. Use the table as one of several resources for improving the accuracy 

of your report results.

To use the table:

After you have selected the date range for the report, click on the “View Missing Data” button.

Figure 4. “View Missing Data” Button

The results for the Missing Data will be displayed in a table below the Report Date Range section.

Review the missing data table. The first column, named as “Missing”, will indicate the data that

is lacking in your report within the selected date range.

Figure 5. “Missing” Data List

Click on any column header to sort the table by that column.

If you see some data you can add, click on the case number under the “CAC Case” column and

the case record will open in a new tab/window on your browser.

Go to the appropriate case tab, add the data and save your changes.

Click on the “View Missing Data” button again on the NCA Reports page and the table will update. To 

confirm that you added the correct information in the case, the missing data for the case you just 

edited will no longer be displayed in the Missing Data table.

STEP 3: Submit report to NCA

Check to see that you have selected the correct reporting period under the section “Report Date 


Click on the “Submit to NCA” button.

Figure 6. “Submit to NCA” Button

You will be redirected to a page where you can enter more details about your CAC and other services provided by your CAC.

Figure 7. CAC Information Page

Additional Information Page Definitions

1. Case Management/Coordination (services for children and/or adults) – Refers to cases presented to the MDT but not accepted for core direct CAC services. E.g., domestic violence, sexual assault of an adult, Mental Health Services, Dog Accompaniment Services, Drug screening, Foster Care Services, Transportation, etc. If you enter cases in NCAtrak on the Presenting Tab for Other Direct or Indirect Services statistics will automatically be added to your report if any services like MH, VA, Med, or FI are attended by the client. 

2. Prevention – Services (for Children and Adults) –Many CACs engage in prevention services. Some 

have formal programs in the school, others may have groups focused on prevention efforts, and 

others participate in collaborative community projects. (e.g., School based prevention programs like Child Safety Matters or community based prevention programs like Stewards of Children, etc.) If you enter cases in NCAtrak on the Presenting Tab for Other Direct or Indirect Services statistics will automatically be added to your report if any services like MH, VA, Med, or FI are attended by the client. 

3. Awareness Campaigns - e.g., Holiday/Community Events, social media, Fundraisers, Newsletters, Prevention Campaigns including Pinwheel Events, walks, billboards, etc.

4. Awareness Campaign Impressions - number of people reached 

IMPORTANT: This should only be for information about services provided for children and adults not 

seen at the center and not tracked in NCAtrak using Indirect Services.

Click on the “Submit to NCA” button at the top of the page. The total for each section will be 

tabulated for you.

A message will be displayed to indicate your submission is successful and will note how many cases 

at your CAC had missing data for the reporting period, if any.

STEP 4: View the report you sent to NCA

If you want to see your previous NCA report submissions, click on the “View All NCA Report

Submissions” button.

Figure 8. “View All NCA Report Submissions” Button

A list of all your center’s previous NCA submissions made through NCAtrak will be displayed with 

the period, year, and date of submission as well as the name of the person who submitted the 


Click on the “View Submission” button to view a report for a specific period and year. Period 1 is 

from January to June and Period 2 is from July to December.

Figure 9. “View Submission” Button

To understand how the data is compiled click here - Where Does the Data Come From?

NOTE: If you submitted a report prior to 2007, it will display in the old NCA report format. For 

help with how the old format compiled the statistics, go to the “NCA Statistical Report (old 

format)” page and check to see how the old format is compiled.

Resubmit to NCA

Resubmit a prior report anytime you believe you have improved your data. NCA can always benefit 

from better statistics. You can also do this in case a mistake has been made in your previous 


Click on the “Resubmit to NCA” button at the top of the NCA Reports tab after you have

selected the time period under the “Report Date Range” section.

Figure 10. “Resubmit to NCA” Button

Center statistics are automatically updated if you had made changes in your cases and the sections 

for “CAC Information and “Other Services Provided” display to show services and statistics manually 

added to the report the last time your center submitted for this period.

You can modify the data displayed in these sections and/or add, edit, or delete any services in

the “Other Services Provided” table.

Click on the “Submit to NCA” button when you have completed making the necessary changes.

Click on the “View Center Statistics” button for the period you edited so you can see the updated 


Troubleshooting Submissions and Report Results

Submission Messages

There are a few different message you may see when you submit. Below are submission messages and 

hints about how to respond to them.

    1. “Submission Successful for Period ----- through -----; Cases with Missing Data = --- “

This means your report submission is successful. It also tells you about cases received during the 

reporting period that had missing report data so you can make improvements if possible, (See View 

Missing Data above).

Figure 11. Successful Submission Message

    2. “The statistics have already been submitted for this period.”

This is to indicate that you have already submitted the statistics for the period you selected. If 

you want to make changes to your submitted report, you can re-submit it by clicking on the 

“Resubmit to NCA” button.

Figure 12. Statistics Already Submitted Message

    3. The date range is not a valid six-month period or the year is prior to 2004 or later than the 

        current year.

An error has been made in specifying the date range like you may have an end date that is before 

the start date or you used an entire year instead of the 6 month period. Correct the report date 

range and click on the “Submit to NCA” button again.

Figure 13. Invalid Date Range Message

Where Does the Data Come From?

The most frequently asked question about the NCA Statistical Report is, “What data fields are used 

in the report?” That is a very good question however; you need more information than that to 

understand how the report generates statistics. The charts below provide all the information you 


Data fields shown in Bold are pick list fields that have matching NCA report terminology. If these 

are not accurately set up, the report statistics may be wrong.


Data Fields Used in the NCA Statistical Report


Data Fields


Date Closed, Disposition

FI Tab - Session Log

Date, Location, Status


Date, Status

Medical Tab – Session Log

Date, Status

Mental Health Tab

Date Therapy Offered to Family

Mental Health Tab – Session



Date, Status


People Tab

Age at time of Referral, Gender, Race, Relationship to

victim, Role


Presenting Tab

Alleged Maltreatment, Date Case Received by the CAC, Reason for Referral,

Other Direct Services, Other Indirect Services

Prosecution Tab

Review Date, Status, Outcome, Outcome Date

VA Tab -Session Log

Attendee, Date, Status

CAC/MDT Set-up page

CAC Name and Address

Primary contact

This information doesn’t come from a data field. The system

looks at who is actually logged into NCAtrak and submits the

report. That person’s name is entered into the report.

Personnel page

Phone and Email

Figure 14. Data Fields Used in the NCA Statistical Report

To check that these are accurately matched, go to the “Pick Lists Help” page and check that each of 

the items in the pick list and the selected NCA terminology match.

How are the Statistics Calculated?

Each of the tables below represents a detailed description of how the report calculates the 

statistics. The tables are arranged in the order that the questions appear in the report. Each 

table includes the following information:

    •  Query – the specific formula for how the data is calculated

    •  Case Tab – which part of the case record is involved

    •  Data Fields – which data fields are used in the calculation

Some tables also have additional information about how the results are calculated.


Total number of children served at the CAC during the reporting period

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases where the date the case was received by the CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18.

Presenting Tab

  • Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)
  • Reason for the Referral

(allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged

victim’s age <=18)

If a child is the alleged victim on more than one case received by the CAC during the

reporting period, the report will count both cases.


 Figure 15. Total number of children served at the CAC during the reporting period


Gender of Children

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases where the date the case was received by the CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the alleged victim’s gender.

Presenting Tab

  • Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)
  •  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab


  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged Victim’s age <=18)
  •  Gender (alleged victim’s gender)

Figure 16. Gender of Children


Age of children at first contact with center

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases where the date the case was received by CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the alleged victim’s age.

Presenting Tab

  • Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)
  • Reason for the Referral

           (allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • §  Role (alleged victim),
  • §  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

 Figure 17. Age of children at first contact with center


Total number of alleged offenders

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of alleged offenders on cases where the date the case was received by CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18.

Presenting Tab

  • Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)
  • Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged victim age <=18)
  • Role (alleged offenders)

Figure 18. Total number of alleged offenders


Relationship of alleged offender to child

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of alleged offenders on cases where the date the case was received by the CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the alleged offender’s relationship to the alleged victim.

Presenting Tab

  • Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)
  • Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)
  • Role (alleged offenders)
  • Relationship to victim (matching NCA report terminology)
  • People Tab – Alleged Offender Unknown (Checked)

This query will add one offender as “unknown” for each case where the Alleged Offender Unknown checkbox is checked. Your pick list terms for relationship to victim must each have a match to NCA report terminology on the pick list tab. 

Figure 19. Relationship of alleged offender to child


Age of alleged offenders

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of alleged offenders on cases where the date the case was received by the CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the alleged offender’s age.

Presenting Tab

  • Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)
  • Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)
  • Role (alleged offender)
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged offender’s age <=18)

 Figure 20. Age of alleged offenders


Type of abuse reported

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases where the date the case was received by the CAC date is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the type of alleged maltreatment(s) identified at the time of the referral to the CAC.

Presenting Tab

  • Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)
  • Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)
  • Presenting Tab – Alleged Maltreatment (matching NCA report terminology)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

When multiple alleged maltreatments are selected on a case, each will be included in the count. Your alleged maltreatment terms must each have a match to NCA report terminology on the pick list tab.

Figure 21. Type of abuse reported



Race or ethnicity of total children seen at CAC during the reporting

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases where the date the case was received by the CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the alleged victim’s race.

Presenting Tab

  • Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)
  • Reason for the Referral

(allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged

victim’s age <=18)

  • Race (for the alleged victim - matching NCA report terminology)

Your terms for race or ethnicity must each have a match to NCA report terminology on the pick list tab. 


Figure 22. Race or ethnicity of total children seen at CAC during the reporting


Medical Exams/Treatment

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases where the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where there is at least (1) one attended Medical session during the reporting period.

Presenting Tab

  • Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

Medical Tab Session


  • Date (within reporting period)
  • Status (attended)

If a case has more than 1 attended Med session during the reporting period, this report will

only count one.

Figure 23. Medical Exams/Treatment



Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases where the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where there is at least (1) one attended Mental Health session during the reporting period.

Presenting Tab

  • Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

MH Tab Session Log

  • Date (within reporting period)
  • Status (attended)
  • Session log can be found in the Case Notes subtab of the MH tab

If a case has more than 1 attended MH session during the reporting period, this report will only count one.

Figure 24. Counseling/Therapy


Referral to Counseling Therapy

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where the ‘date therapy offered to the family’ is during the reporting period.

Presenting Tab

  • Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

MH Tab

  • Date Therapy Offered to Family (within reporting period). This field can be found in the MH Provider Log in the Basic subtab of the MH tab.

Figure 25. Referral to Counseling Therapy


Onsite/Offsite forensic Interviewing

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases where the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where there is at least (1) one attended forensic interview session during the reporting period, grouped by location.



  • Reason for the Referral

(allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

FI Tab Session Log

  • Date (within reporting period)
  • Status (attended)
  • Location (matching NCA report terminology)

If a case has more than 1 attended FI session during the reporting period, this report will only count one. Your terms for FI Location must each have a match to NCA report terminology on

the pick list tab.

Figure 26. Onsite/Offsite forensic Interviewing


Law Enforcement Dispositions – number of cases where charges were filed

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases where the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where the LE investigation closed date is during the reporting period, and the “charges filed” radio button is “yes.”



  • Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

LE Tab

  • Date Closed (within reporting period)
  • Charges Filed (yes)

Figure 27. Law Enforcement Dispositions – number of cases where charges were filed


Cases accepted for prosecution

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of cases where the reason for the referral is “allegation of abuse,” and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where the prosecution decision “review date” is within the reporting period and the

status is “accepted.”

Presenting Tab

  • Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab

  • Role (alleged victim),
  • Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

Prosecution Tab - Prosecution


  • Review Date (within reporting period)
  • Status (accepted)

Figure 28. Cases accepted for prosecution


Other services provided by CAC (tracked in NCAtrak)

Case Tab

Data Fields

Count of attended FI, Med, VA, and MH sessions, and adjourned MDT meetings where the date of the session/meeting is during the reporting period and the reason for the referral on the case is “Other Direct Services” or “Other Indirect Services,” grouped by Other Direct Services and Other Indirect Services, and age of person(s) receiving the service.

FI, Med, MH, VA

Tab - Session


  • Date (within reporting period)
  • Status (attended)

MDT Tab –

Meeting Results Log

  • Date (within reporting period)
  • Status (adjourned)

Presenting Tab

  • Reason for Referral (Requesting Other Direct Services)
  • Reason for Referral (Requesting Other Indirect Services)
  • Other Direct Services / Indirect Services (matching NCA report terminology)

People Tab

  • Role (Client)
  • Age at time of referral (age of person who received service)

VA Tab Session Log

  • Attendee

Your terms for Other Direct Services and Other Indirect Services must each have a match to NCA report terminology on the pick list tab. For FI, Med, MDT, and MH sessions, the attendee is the person whose role on the case is “client.” The report will count one service provided for each VA session attendee. 

Figure 29. Other services provided by CAC (tracked in NCAtrak)

What Cases are Counted for this Report?

Use the “NCA Report Detail” query templates to access a list of the cases included in the report. 

Select “Custom” from the “Reports” dropdown menu on the left hand side of NCAtrak.

Figure 30. “Custom” on the Reports Menu

Scroll down to the Queries Table and click on the “Show NCAtrak Query Templates” button on the top 

right section of the list of queries for your CAC.

Figure 31. “Show NCAtrak Query Templates” Button

Scroll down until you see a list of queries that all start with the words “NCA Report Details” or 

you can use the filter for the column “Query Title” to find the NCA Report Details more easily.

Figure 32. “Query Title” Filter

Click on the “Filter” button so that only queries with “NCA Report Details” in their title will be 

displayed. These queries are designed to show you the cases that are included in the report 


Figure 33. Queries with “NCA Report Details” in their title

Locate the query that matches the NCA Statistics Report question for which you want the details.

Click on the “Run” button.

Enter the same date range that you are using for the NCA Statistics Report. The results will 

display in a separate tab/window on your browser. The results will display the list of cases 

included in this report.

Why are Cases Not Counted that Should Be?

There are several possibilities why the numbers in a report may not be what you expect them to be.

General things to know: The report is not counting children served (except the last question) – 

it’s counting cases received during the reporting period. If a child has more than one case during 

the reporting period it will count both case so long as both cases meet the other criteria below. 

Also, it is not automatically counting every case you opened during the reporting period. For a 

case to be counted it must meet the following minimum criteria (for all questions except the last 


        •  The alleged victim is 18 years old or younger (cases where the alleged victims over 18 years old 

            will not be counted in the report).

        •  The reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’ (other direct services and other

            indirect services cases are counted in the last question only).

        •  The date the case was received by the CAC is during the reporting period.

Use the “NCA Report Troubleshooting” query templates to troubleshoot when the report is not 

including cases that should be included. (It is difficult to provide every template every CAC might 

need. There are a few to help you get started and you can create your own.)

Select “Custom” from the “Reports” dropdown menu on the left hand side of NCAtrak.

Figure 34. “Custom” on the Reports Menu

Scroll down to the Queries Table and click on the “Show NCAtrak Query Templates” button on the top 

right section of the list of queries for your CAC.

Figure 35. “Show NCAtrak Query Templates” button

Scroll down until you see a list of queries that all start with the words “NCA Report

Troubleshoot” or you can use the filter for the Query Title column to show queries containing the 

words “NCA Report Troubleshoot”. Click on the Filter button.

Figure 36. “Query Title” Filter

These queries are designed to show you the cases that may be missing from the report and those that 

are being counted for the report.

Locate the query that matches the NCA Statistics Report question for which you want the

details and click on the “Run” button.

Figure 37. “Run” Button

Enter the same date range that you are using for the NCA Statistics Report. The results will 

display in a separate tab/window on your browser. The results will display the list of cases

included in this report.