My Open Cases

Displays cases you are assigned to that do not have a date entered on the Case Closed Date (on the General Tab) and do not have a closed date entered on the case tab for your activity or service. For example, if you are assigned as the VA contact and there is no date closed on the VA Tab.

My Closed Cases

Displays all cases you are assigned to where the activity you are responsible for is complete and the date completed or closed is entered on the applicable tab. For example, if you are the Forensic Interviewer, this option will show you all the cases with a date in the FI Date Complete Field on the FI tab.

Note: If you are assigned to more than one service for this case, it may display in My Open Cases and My Closed Cases (one service completed and the other still open).

The Case Tracking Chart on the General Tab guides where cases will be listed for My Open and My Closed Cases:

The individual listed under Referred By will not have the case listed within My Open or My Closed Cases.

The Primary Contact is the individual assigned to the case for specific services and the cases assigned will be located on My Open Cases for that individual if they are an authorized user of NCAtrak. When status says referred the case will be listed in My Open Case list for the primary contact.

When a session is scheduled for a service and the status changes to scheduled, attended, etc. the case will list in both My Open and My Closed Case list for the primary contact.

When a service completion date is entered on the assigned service tab the case will be listed in My Closed Case for the primary contact.

For FI, VA, or Medical session or service logs the primary contact is the default provider assigned to the session. If the Session or Service Log provider is different than the primary contact, then the case will list on the session provider’s home screen on both the My Open and My Closed lists. When the completion date is entered on the service tab the case will no longer be listed in the session or service providers My Open or My Closed case lists.

Mental Health providers assigned on the MH Basic tab within the Provider Log will have those

cases listed on their open case list until they enter a Therapy Completed Date. For the MH tab, cases

will remain on the providers open case list even if a Case Closed Date is entered on the General Tab

or if the Date Therapy Completed is entered on the MH Basic Tab within the Contact Info area.