The CAC/MDT Setup page provides CACs with a way to select some options for how NCAtrak will be used by their center and partner agencies. This page is usually accessible only to the CAC’s Security Officer/Administrator, unless your role is specifically granted access to this page.

Click on the “Administration” dropdown arrow on the left menu and select “CAC/MDT Setup.”

Figure 1. “CAC/MDT Setup” on the Administration Menu

NOTE: Changes to the setup will impact all of your users at your CAC. Also, these changes will only take effect the next time you login. Log out for at least 5 minutes then log back in to see the changes.

CAC Contact Information

This information is required for your NCA report submissions and it also provides center contact information for the NCAtrak help desk and NCA office. Please be sure it is accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, this information is used for appointment reminder emails and texts.

Figure 2. CAC Contact Information

Allow for Extended Medical Data

The Medical Session Log has an option that allows users to record a great deal of information about the medical exam and the findings. Click this checkbox to make these additional data entry screens available for users authorized to view/edit the Medical Tab.

To make extended medical data field screens available for your users check the checkbox. Click “Save” at the top of the page.

To make extended medical data field screen unavailable for any of your users, remove the checkmark in the checkbox. Click on the “Save” button at the top of the page.

Figure 3. Allow for Extended Medical Data Checkbox

Restrict Forensic Interviewer Case Record Access

This setting is ONLY for CACs with a policy of restricting the amount of data Forensic Interviewers receive about a case prior to conducting the interview.

By checking this box, your Forensic Interviewers will only have access to the Case Record, General Tab and Forensic Interview Tab until after the interview is conducted. These tabs do not contain information about the alleged offender or the details of allegations or any investigation that has already taken place.

Figure 4. Restrict Forensic Interviewer Case Record Access Checkbox

NOTE: If your FI providers are already exposed to this type of case detail prior to conducting their interviews, (for example, they are also police or CPS workers) or your policy does not prevent the Forensic Interviewer from knowing details of the allegation prior to conducting the interview then this setting is not necessary for your CAC.

Activating Blind Forensic Interviewer Set-up:

•Click the Restrict Forensic Interviewer Case Record Access checkbox, and click “Save” at the top of the page.

•Go the Personnel page and edit each Forensic Interviewer’s profile by checking the "Blind Forensic Interviewer” checkbox on    their personnel details screen. (See Personnel help file for more details). Save each person’s data as you go. When your           Forensic Interviewers log in, their access will be restricted on each case record until they complete the FI.

To deactivate this feature, uncheck the checkbox.

Allow Entry of People’s Names to the Database

This feature is designed for startup when you want to get NCAtrak populated with the names of children that you have served in the past without having to enter the entire case record for them, and/or the names of others you have been involved with (caregivers, offenders).

It might also be used for special occasions when you want to add names to the database for searching purposes, (for example, the names of registered sex offenders in your community).

Entering people’s names here will not create a case for them, nor will any information about them be used for your CAC statistics about case activities.

Figure 5. Allow Entry of People’s Names to the Database Checkbox

If this is activated/checked, you will see “Add Names” under the Administration menu on the lefthand side of NCAtrak. If it is not, this option will not be available in the Administration menu.

Figure 6. “Add Names” on the Administration Menu

To Activate Add Names:

•Click the checkbox to activate the feature for your version of NCAtrak.

•Click “Save” at the top of the page, then log out for at least 5 minutes then log back in tomake the feature active.

•There is a privilege on the Role Page that users need in order to use this feature. Go to the Roles Page and verify users who      will work with this function have the privilege to enter names into the database. (See the Roles help file for more details).

To deactivate Add Names, remove the checkmark in the checkbox and click on “Save” at the top of the page.

Hide MH Data on Case Tracking and MDT Investigation Summary Tables

Some states have laws that prohibit the MDT team from knowing if a client is receiving Mental Health services. This setting gives your center the ability to configure your version of NCAtrak so that it will hide the MH row on the Case Tracking Table in the General Tab, and on the Investigation Summary table in the MDT Tab. It also removes the rows from these tables if you request the tables in a Case Report. This setting applies to all users including Security Officers.

Your center may be providing MH referrals and/or services even when you have this setting active, so there may be some staff at your center that need to access the MH Tab and/or Schedule or Custom reports. When you activate the setting here is what they will be able to do:

•MH Tab - Users with privileges to view and edit the MH tab can still do so with this “hideMH” setting active.

•Schedule Reports – This “hide MH” setting does not impact the schedule reports. Users with privileges to run Schedule              Reports can still do so with this “hide MH” setting active. They will be able to see schedule information related to MH              sessions. This is so that users with responsibility for the scheduling or addressing schedule issues can know all schedule            information.

•Custom Report - Using data fields from the MH Tab & MH Session Log – Users will still have access to MH tab information if they have privileges to view or edit MH tab data.

Figure 7. Hide MH Data on Case Tracking and MDT Investigation Summary Tables checkbox

To hide MH data – Tick on the checkbox.

To display MH data – Uncheck the checkbox.

Set Default Data

This group of settings will make the system automatically use these agencies in the case record as default, i.e. in the Case Tracking table in the General tab. You can still change the default settings from the case record as needed.

Click on the dropdown list for each field to choose your default settings. Once you are done making the changes, click on the “Save” button at the top of the page. You have to log out of NCAtrak for at least 5 minutes then log back in for the changes to be applied.

Figure 8. Default Data fields

If you don’t see an agency you need in the drop down options, click the Agencies Page and add the agency to the list.

Data Providers Sending Data

This table only displays for CACs who are receiving data over the Internet from a Data Provider –directly into NCAtrak. The table lists agencies that are conducting Data Transfer with the CAC.

Figure 9. “Data Provider” on the Data Providers Sending Data table