The Data Entry Fields page provides a way to modify and create data fields used to collect case 

information within the case record.

Glossary for the Data Entry Fields Page

Description and Use
Case Record Tabs Pull Down List
Names of tabs that make up the case record in NCAtrak.
NCA Required
When checked, this means the selected field will always be visible for all CACs using NCAtrak and that this field cannot be empty/null when saving changes. Only NCA Admins can edit this.
NCA Visible
When checked, this means the selected field will be visible for all CACs using NCAtrak but does not mean that the field must have a value. Only NCA Admins can edit this.
CAC Required
When checked, this means that the selected field will always be visible for your CAC and that this field cannot be empty/null when saving changes. Security Officers and users with access to edit the Data Entry Fields can edit this setting.
Action Column
Contains all the links you need to save, edit, or cancel data entry in each row of the table.
Field Description Column
Includes a brief description of what the field is designed to collect.

Data Entry Fields
Field on the screen where specific information is to be entered or selected from a pick list.
Default Data Field Names Column

Contains the name that will display on the case tab unless you modify it.

NOTE: Names of table column headings are not editable because changing the name/purpose of the data field could negatively impact the functionality of your reports and other automatically tabulated displays.

Visible Column
Indicates whether the field is set to be displayed or hidden (removed) for your CAC but this does not mean the field must have a value.
Field Name for My CAC Column
Contains the names given to data fields to replace the default name.
A custom field can be a pick list, a text field, a long text field, a date, or check boxes.
Custom Fields
Custom fields are provided for you to collect whatever information you desire. All custom fields will hold up to 200 characters
Default Label Hyperlink
When clicked, this hyperlink will restore the original Default Field Name for the field you are editing.

One of the new features in NCAtrak is the ability of a CAC to make a field required or not and to either make it visible or hide it. The CAC’s Security Officer is able to make this changes that will apply for everyone accessing NCAtrak at his/her CAC.

Figure 1. Required and Visible Options for Data Fields

To edit or customize the fields in NCAtrak for your CAC, go to Data Entry Fields under Administration on the left-hand side menu of NCAtrak and click on it.

Figure 2. Data Entry Fields on the Administration Menu

Edit Data Entry Fields

Once you are on the Data Entry Field Configuration page, select the Case Record Tab you want to 

modify from the pull down list.

Click “Edit” beside the field name you want to edit. Note that the Data Fields are listed on the 

screen in the order that they appear on the case tab you have selected.

Figure 3. Selecting a Case Record Tab and Editing Fields

Review the Data Field Description for this field. Be sure that the new name you enter is 

appropriate for this data field. An example of an appropriate Data Field Name change would be 

changing “CPS Case Number” to “DCS Case Number.”

Enter the name you want to use in the “Field Name for my CAC” column. Click “Update” to save your 

change, or click “Cancel” to forego the change.

Figure 3. Changing a Field Name for My CAC

Restore the Default Name to a Field

Select the Case Record Tab you want to modify from the pull down list.

Click “Edit” beside the field name you want to edit. Note that the Data Fields are listed on the 

screen in the order that they appear on the case tab you have selected.

In the “Field Name for my CAC” column, type the text shown in the “Default Field Name” 

Click “Update” to save your change, or click “Cancel” to forego the change.

Figure 4. Changing Field Name for My CAC back to the Default field Name

Remove/Hide a Data Field

Select the Case Record Tab you want to modify from the pull down list.

Click “Edit” beside the field name you want to edit. Note that the Data Fields are listed on the 

screen in the order that they appear on the case tab you have selected.

In the “Visible” column, uncheck the check box.

Click “Update” to save your change, or click “Cancel” to forego the change.

Figure 5. Hide a data field by unchecking the “Visible” checkbox

Restore a Data Field

Select the Case Record Tab you want to modify from the pull down list.

Click “Edit” beside the field name you want to edit. The Data Fields are listed on the screen in

the order that they appear on the case tab.

In the “Visible” column, check the check box.

Click “Update” to save your change, or click “Cancel” to forego the change.

Figure 6. Restore a data field by checking the “Visible” checkbox

Create a Custom Field

Select the Case Record Tab you want to modify from the pull down list.

Click “Edit” beside the field name you want to edit.

Select the “Type” of custom field from among the following choices:

•  Text: 50-character limit

•  Long Text: unlimited text

•  Pick List: drop down list of choices (create the list choices on the pick list page)

•  Check Box List: list of choices with check boxes to check/uncheck (create the list choices on 

    the pick list page)

•  Date: formatted to use a date as the data in the field

    Enter data field name in the “Field Name for my CAC” column.

Check the “Visible” checkbox to make the field display on the case tab.

Click “Update” to save your change, or click “Cancel” to forego the change.

Figure 7. Creating a Custom Data Field

NOTE: The Data Fields are listed on the Data Fields table in the order that they appear on the case 

tab. It is not possible at this time to provide you with the ability to customize where the custom 

fields display within the tab. Typically, you will find them in the investigation or service 

section of the tab, and in the outcomes section of the tab.

Modify a Custom Field

To change a custom field from one type of custom field to another – for example, to change a pick 

list to a text field – select the Case Record Tab you want to modify from the pull down list.

Click “Edit” beside the field name you want to edit.

Make changes in the “Type” field.

Click “Update” to save your change, or click “Cancel” to forego the change.

Changes to the items displayed in a custom pick list or checkbox list are made from the Pick List 


Figure 8. Modifying a Custom Data Field

IMPORTANT: NCAtrak will allow you to change from one to another type of field only if you have not 

entered any data in this data field on your cases. This is to ensure your data will not be 

corrupted with the change.

If your team has already entered data into the custom data field on any case record you will not 

have the option to change the Type field. Contact the NCAtrak Help Desk for assistance after 

following the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Find the data already entered:

•  Go to Reports in the home page main menu bar, and select the Custom Page.

•  Find the Custom Field Report in the Reports List and click ‘Run’.

•  If you do not see the report in the reports list, click ‘Show NCAtrak Report 

    Templates, ’find the report and click ‘Copy’. That will place the report in your list of Reports.

•  The Custom Field Report will show you anything that has been entered into any custom field in 

    your database. Locate the custom field that you are trying to modify.

Step 2: Determine what you want to do about existing data:

When you want the data removed:

•  Go to the case records for each one that has data

•  Delete the data.

•  If it is a large amount, contact the Help Desk for assistance.

When you want the data saved but in a different type of custom field, check with the Help Desk to 

see if what you want to do is possible.

•  Review the entries. Everything in the column will be changed into the new format. Do you see 

    miss-spelled words, different entries that really mean the same thing but are slightly different? 

    Notice the case record number of any that need to be cleaned up. Go to those cases and clean up the 


•  Once you have your data ready to convert, contact the NCAtrak Help Desk and request assistance. 

    You may telephone or email. Be ready to identify which custom field you want to change.