Each user of the system is required to have at least one “Role” assigned to them before they can work in NCAtrak. A user’s role determine what type of access they will have to case and client information in NCAtrak. To access the Roles page, select “Roles” from the “Administration” drop-down menu on the left side of the page.

Figure 1. “Roles” on the Administration Menu


  • User: A User is someone who has been given a user account, with a user name and password, and at least one Role assigned to them. These tasks are completed in NCAtrak on the Administration - Personnel page.
  • Role: A Role in NCAtrak can be similar to a job title. Examples might be: Data Entry, Reports Manager, CPS Investigator, or Case Coordinator.
  • A role can be assigned to more than one User. (Example - 3 CPS investigators can each have the same role). 
  • A User can have more than one Role. (Example - 1 CPS Supervisor has a role called “CPS Investigator” and a role called “Reports Manager” so he or she can do what the CPS Investigators do, plus what Report Managers do).
  • Privilege: Privileges could be thought of like the job description for the Role. Privileges define what users assigned to a Role can access and what they can do in NCAtrak. For example, a Data Entry Role might be privileged to create new cases, edit case information, and add agencies and personnel. But that role might not be allowed to delete cases or run reports.
  • Security Officer: This role is set-up for each CAC and is not alterable. All the Privileges are automatically set to the greatest level of access for the Security Officer roles.

Create a New Role

It is a good idea to limit the number of different roles that you create and to match them as closely as possible to the current team member and CAC staff jobs. This will make it easier to remember how you have things set up.

Click on the “Add New Role” button.

Figure 2. “Add New Role” button

A new row in the Roles table will be available. Enter the name of the Role that you are creating in the text box under the “Role Name” column.

Figure 3. “Role Name” column

Click on the “Save” button. The Role will now appear at the top of the list. If you click “Cancel”, the new role will not be saved.

NOTE: When you create a role, you must set the privileges for the Role next. Continue through the steps in “3. Set Privileges” below for each new role that you create for your CAC.

Set Privileges

Locate the new role you just created in the list of roles.

Click on the “Set Privileges” button to assign the access rights for the selected role.

Figure 4. “Set Privileges” button

Privileges work in sequence. The privileges in STEP 1 impact the Other Case/People Data Privileges in STEPS 2 & 3.

Make your Selections in Steps 1, 2, and 3. Then, continue to Step 4: “Set Privileges to Access Administrative Data in the Database”.

STEP 1: Choose the setting for “Allow Users assigned to this Role to access data related to:”

Figure 5. Data Access Fields

Select one of the three options by ticking one of the radio buttons. See the descriptions of each option below: 

Options for Case Access

What this Privilege Allows
Cases and associated people assigned to the User
This is the default setting for all roles in NCAtrak. Users with this level of access will only have access to their own cases (cases that have their name recorded in the case record) and the people who are associated with their cases.
Cases and associated people assigned to the User’s Agency
This privilege gives the users assigned to this role access to all cases where someone from their agency is assigned to the case in a manner described above. This Privilege might be useful to give supervisors access to their subordinate’s cases without giving them access to all the cases in the CAC’s database.
All Cases and associated people and people not associated with a case
This privilege gives users assigned to this role the privilege to access all cases, associated people to cases and even people not associated with a case – those entered into the database using the “Add Names” function. People who will be entering cases should have this level of access so that they can determine if a person is already entered into the database on another case record or through Add Names.

STEP 2: Case Tab & Person Biography Privileges

The default is set to “None” for each option. Select “None”, “View” or “Update” for each Privilege you want to give to users assigned to this Role.

Figure 6. Case Tab & Person Biography Privilege Options

See the descriptions of each of the options in the table below:

What will the users be able to access?
Case General Tab

• Personnel and agencies assigned to the case, other cases linked to the allegation of abuse, court activities, release of information records, and insurance information.

• Access to the Case Report tab – but the reports will only display what the user’s role is authorized to view based on these privileges in Step 2.

Case People Tab & Person Biography

• All the people involved with the case including the alleged victim/client, the alleged offender, caretakers, witnesses, alleged co-victims/co-clients, etc.

• Each person’s biography can be viewed and/or updated as well.

• Look-up Person and Duplicate Person Check pop-up will display all names in the database but will restrict access to view other details based on the privilege selected in Step 1.

Case MDT Tab
• Access to see the investigation summary table with findings from different parts of the investigation and access to MDT recommendations.
Case Presenting Tab
• Data that was given about the allegations and/or services requested at the time of the referral.
Case Child Protective Services Tab
• CPS Investigation and any Court Activities that are typically Juvenile or Family related (not including court activities related to the prosecution of an alleged offender).
Case Law Enforcement Tab
• Law Enforcement investigation including charges files against an alleged offender.
Case Medical Tab
• Referral information, medical services overview, medical exam records and medical session logs/appointments
Case Medical Tab - Details
• Detailed information on the medical session logs/appointments
Case Forensic Interview Tab
• Forensic interview(s) with the child.
Case Mental Health Tab – Basic
• Mental Health Services and referrals provided to the child.
Case Mental Health Tab – Case Notes
• Mental Health Case Notes from sessions.
Case Mental Health Tab – Assessment
• Mental Health Assessments and Diagnosis.
Case Mental Health Tab – Treatment Plan
• Treatment Plans for the child.
Case Victim Advocacy Tab
• Victim Advocacy services provided to the child and/or family including application for crime compensation, support for non-offending parents, etc.
Case Prosecution Tab
• Decision to prosecute and details about the prosecution case.
Case Attachments Tab
• Documents uploaded to the case.
Case Medical – Clinical Images
• Medical images uploaded to the case. User must be granted access to the “Medical Tab – Details” to see this since the Clinical Images tab is found in the detailed information from a medical session log.
CEU Files
• Staff members’ CEU certificates uploaded to their dashboard.

STEP 3. Other Case/People Data Privileges

Check the “Allow Access” checkbox to select additional privileges for this role.

Figure 7. “Allow Access” checkbox

See descriptions of each option in the table below:

What this Privilege Allows
Cases – Create New

• The ability to create new cases

• The ability to add cases to MDT meetings and record MDT recommendations during the set-up of new cases

• The ability to assign agencies and personnel to cases during the creation of cases.

• Look-up Person and Duplicate Person Check pop-up will display all names in the database but will restrict access to view other details based on the privilege selected in Step 1.

• Once a case is created, User access to case information will be limited to the User's Case Tab and Person Biography Privileges.

Cases - Delete

• Ability to permanently delete a case record from the database. A button will display on the Case General Tab for Users with this privilege.

• For this privilege to be available, the role must also have Update privilege on the General Tab.

Cases - Add Agencies and Personnel from Case Tabs

• This will give user the “Add” link on all the Case Tabs in Step 2 that have Update privilege selected.

• They will be able to add Agencies and/or Personnel to the database if the desired agency or person is not in the pick lists for those tabs.

Reports – Management

• Access to all reports in the reports pick list on the Management Reports Tab. These reports contain statistics about services.

Reports – Schedule

• Access to reports about services scheduled by the CAC and Member Agencies. This includes past, present, and future as well as "to be scheduled" services. These reports contain information about services and people associated with cases.

• Users will be limited to view only the cases/people they have been given privileges to view in STEP 1.

Reports - NCA

• Access to statistics that are compiled for submission to NCA

• A list of previously submitted reports

• “Missing Data” report which does display names of people associated with cases. Users will be limited to access only the cases/people they have been given privileges for in STEP 1 above.

Reports - Custom

• The ability to develop custom queries and reports on any/all data fields in the case record and biography of a person on a case.

• Access to information in the NCAtrak database that is not available in other reports and searches.

Reports – Setup

• The ability to set the default report format for management, schedule and case reports, to create/edit the report footer, and to create/edit Age Groups for custom reports.

Search - Cases

• The ability to enter a "search by" criteria and cases will be displayed from the database. Case/people information will be displayed.

• Users will be limited to access only the cases/people they have been given privileges for in STEP 1 above.

Search - People

• The ability to search for people in NCAtrak.

• Users will be limited to access only the cases/people they have been given privileges for in STEP 1 above.

• Note: The only way a User will find the names of people who have been entered into the database through the Add Names function (people who are not yet associated with Cases) is if they have been given “All Cases and associated people and people not associated with a case” privilege in STEP 1 above.

Search - Personnel

• The ability to search for personnel. The search provides a link to view the caseload of an individual.

• Users will be limited to view only the cases on a person’s caseload that they have been given privilege to view in STEP 1.

Search - Misc.

• Access to pre-formatted searches for Open Prosecution Cases with Court Activity, and Unassigned Cases

• Users will be limited to access only the cases/people they have been given privileges for in STEP 1 above.

MDT - Meeting management

• The ability to create a MDT agenda and conduct a MDT meeting.

• Users will be limited to access only the cases/people they have been given privileges for in STEP 1 above.

• Note: If you select this one, you also need to select the next one, “MDT Meeting List/View Agenda Pages.”

MDT - Meeting List/Agenda Pages
• The ability to see the agenda for all MDT meetings past and present. Names of people that are on the agenda for review will be displayed as **Restricted** when the User does not have the privilege to view that person’s data.
Add Names – Allow entry of People’s Names to the Database

• Access to the “Add Names” Menu Option.

• Look-up Person and Duplicate Person Check pop-up will display all names in the database but will restrict access to view other details based on the privilege selected in Step 1.

• This is a special feature of NCAtrak not designed for daily use. The Add Names feature has to be checked in the CAC/MDT Set-up for the option to appear on the Menu for your CAC.

Data Transfer - View Log

• Data Transfer privileges are only applicable for CACs that have another agency sending data directly to NCAtrak over the internet.

• This privilege allows the User to view the log that shows each packet of data transferred to the CAC.

• If the Users assigned to this Role are going to be creating cases from the data transferred, they will need this privilege along with Cases – Create New above.

Data Transfer - Edit Data Provider Person IDs

• Data Transfer privileges are only applicable for CACs that have another agency sending data directly to NCAtrak over the internet.

• This privilege is provided because most of the time the Data Provider ID will not be something you want to edit. However, there may be times when it is necessary. The Data Provider ID only displays when the case is being created from the Data Transfer and on the Person Biography.

• Users with this privilege will also need Cases – Create New privilege, and People Tab and Person Biography Update privileges.


STEP 4: Set Privileges to Access Administrative Data in the Datastore

All are unchecked as the default setting. Check the “Allow Access” checkbox gives the user privilege to work in the tab listed and/or carryout the task described.

Figure 8. “Allow Access” checkbox

See descriptions of each option in the table below:

What this Privilege Allows
Administration – CAC/MDT Set-up Tab
• The ability to modify the default settings for your CAC’s use of NCAtrak and access all documentation for NCAtrak.
Administration - Agencies & Personnel Tab
• Update privileges for all agencies and personnel, the ability to authorize user accounts and make user accounts inactive, the ability to change Roles assigned to personnel and change the User’s access to data.
• The ability to remove personnel and agencies from pick lists.
Administration - Data Entry Fields Tab
• The ability to modify all data field names, create and/or remove custom fields.
Administration – Roles Tab
• The ability to create and modify roles.
Administration - Pick Lists Tab
• The ability to modify the pick lists for your database

Administration – News Tab

• The ability to create/remove News messages that will post on your user’s Home Page.
Administration - Logs Tab
• The ability to view user activity logs.
Administration – Certificates Tab and Issue Certificates (Obsolete)

• The ability to view security certificate log and revoke certificates.

• The ability to issue a certificate to a computer.

View People Assigned a Role

Click “Set Privileges” for the Role you desire to view. Scroll to the bottom of the page. In the section “Personnel Having this Role”, you can see the list of people who are assigned to this role with the person’s name and the agency they work for.

Figure 9. “Personnel Having this Role” Section

NOTE: The “Personnel” page includes the roles that have been assigned to each person. You can filter those personnel by agency to double check that you have assigned the correct roles to each person in an agency.

Edit a Role Name

Locate the Role you wish to edit in the Roles table.

Click on the edit button in the same row as the Role you want to modify. This is the button that has a picture of a pencil on it.

Figure 10. Edit Button

This will make the Role Name editable. You can change the name of the selected role then click on the “Save” button to save your changes. Alternatively, click “Cancel” to cancel the change.

Delete a Role

You cannot delete a Role that is currently assigned to a person. Before attempting to delete a Role, click “Set Privileges” to see if the Role is currently assigned to a person, (bottom of the page). If you find people assigned to the role and still want to delete the role, you will need to un-assign this role from each person currently assigned to it.

To remove a Role from a person, click on “Personnel” from the dropdown menu under “Administration” on the left hand side of NCAtrak.

Figure 11. “Personnel” on the Administration Menu

Click on the “Edit” button beside the name of the person whose roles you want to change.

Figure 12. “Edit” button

Click on the role you wish to remove in the “Selected” box then click the arrowhead pointing to the left next to the “Available” box to move the role from “Selected” to “Available.”

Figure 13. “Selected” Box and Left Arrow

If the personnel you are editing will continue to have a user account, be sure to leave at least one role assigned to this person before you attempt to save these changes.

Click “Save” at the top of the page.

Repeat for each person assigned to the Role you wish to delete. The Role must not be assigned to any personnel so that you can delete it.

When done, return to the Roles page.

Click on the delete button in the same row as the Role you wish to remove. This is the button with an “X” on it.

Figure 13. “Delete” Button

A dialog box asking if you are sure you want to delete this record will appear with “OK” and “Cancel” buttons.

Click OK to delete the Role. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the deletion.