NCAtrak allows you to upload case files in the different case tabs. You can also access a full list of all of the documents you have uploaded to a case by going to the “Case Attachments Tab.” Note that you have to be granted access to this tab to be able to view this tab in a case.

1. While in the case you want to access documents for, click on the “Case Attachments” tab at the top. The Case Attachments document grid will include all of the files uploaded for the case from all the different tabs.

Figure 1. Case Attachments Tab

A Security Officer will see the same list of documents in this tab but with the additional option to display removed files.

Figure 2. Checkbox for “Display Removed Files”

2. If your case has several uploaded files, you can set the maximum number of documents listed on each page of the grid. You can do this by clicking on the dropdown list for “Items per page” at the bottom of the grid and selecting a number or selecting “All” to see the entire list on one page.

Figure 3. Dropdown list for “Items per page.”

3. From this tab, you can download and save a file to your computer by clicking on the Download icon at the end of each row for the file name or clicking on the file name itself.

Figure 4. Download document icon

Depending on the browser you are using, a dialog box may come up asking you to Open or Save the file, or it may appear at the bottom of your webpage like below where you can also choose what you want to do with the downloaded file:

Figure 5. “Open” or “Save” dialog box

4. Similar to the document upload section in the different tabs, you can sort the columns in the document grid, i.e. sort the filenames alphabetically or sort the upload dates from latest to oldest or vice versa. To do this, you just have to click on the column name once and it will sort. If you click on the same column name, it will sort in the reverse order.

For example, you want to sort by file name. When you click on the File Name column once, it will sort the files in alphabetical order and an upward arrow will appear beside the column name. If you click on the File Name column again, it will sort the files in reverse order and a downward arrow will appear beside the column name.

Figure 6. Using the “File Name” column header to sort files

Figure 7. Using the “File Name” column header to sort files in reverse order

5. You can also filter the list of documents by any of the column headings that have a filter icon, i.e. by upload date, by user or by page/tab where the file was uploaded. To filter, just click on the funnel icon on the column name and it will show you the options for filtering.

Figure 8. Icon for filtering Case Attachments by Upload Date

6. You can resize the columns in the document grid if needed. To do this, move the cursor to the line dividing two columns until the icon marked in red below appears:

Figure 9. Resizing column width in the document grid

You can then drag the line dividing the two columns to your desired column size. Your settings after resizing the columns will not be saved and the column sizes will revert back to their original sizes when you refresh the page.

NOTE: The Case Attachments grid displays all of the documents uploaded from all the case tabs. You can view and download them here but you cannot remove files or restore files on the Case Attachments page. You must go to the page or case tab where the document was uploaded to in order to remove or restore a file.