NCAtrak allows you to upload case files in almost all of the case tabs in NCAtrak. You can upload a file in the General, People, MDT, Presenting, CPS, LE, Medical, FI, MH, VA and Prosecution tabs. All uploaded files in a case are listed in the Case Attachments tab. See the help file for the Case Attachments tab for more information.
Documents can be uploaded in multiple file formats, including Word, Excel, PDF and a variety of picture files. There is a 10 MB limit on each document upload.
NOTE: NCA does not recommend the storage of evidentiary documents as part of this case record. Any copies of evidentiary materials should be retained by the appropriate law enforcement and prosecution partners.
Uploading Documents
To upload files for a case, click on the case tab where you want to upload a file and scroll to the bottom of the page to the “Document Upload” section.
Figure 1. Locating the “Document Upload” Section
Click on the button Select Files to find the file on your computer or device.
Figure 2. “Select files” button
This will open the File Explorer window where you can choose the file.
Figure 3. File Explorer Window
Choose the file you want to upload and click on Open to upload the file. You will get a message saying that the file has been saved and that the upload is complete.
Figure 4. “the file has been saved” message
Note: You can upload multiple files at once by selecting more than one file in the file explorer window. You can do this by holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking on multiple files.
Click OK on the message and confirm that the file appears on the document grid.
Figure 5. Uploaded file displayed on the document grid
Note: The date and time the file was uploaded, the username of the person who uploaded the file, the tab where the file is uploaded and the file size are all shown in the grid as well.
Sorting the Document Grid
You can sort the different columns in the document grid, i.e. sort the filenames alphabetically or sort the upload dates from latest to oldest or vice versa. To do this, you just have to click on the column name once and it will sort. If you click on the same column name, it will sort in the reverse order.
For example, you want to sort by file name. When you click on the File Name column once, it will sort the files in alphabetical order and an upward arrow will appear beside the column name. If you click on the File Name column again, it will sort the files in reverse order and a downward arrow will appear beside the column name.
Figure 6. Sorting by File Name
Figure 7. Sorting by File Name in Reverse Order
Filtering the Document Grid
You can also filter the list of documents by any of the column headings that have a filter icon, i.e. by upload date, by user or by page/tab where the file was uploaded. To filter, just click on the funnel icon on the column name and it will show you the options for filtering.
Figure 8. Column filters on the document grid
Resizing Columns
You can resize the columns in the document grid if needed. To do this, move the cursor to the line dividing two columns until the icon marked in red below appears:
Figure 9. Resizing columns on the document grid
You can then drag the line dividing the two columns to your desired column size. Your settings after resizing the columns do not get saved and the column sizes will revert back to their original sizes when you refresh the page.
Downloading Uploaded Files
If you want to download and save a file to your computer, you can do this by clicking on the Download icon at the end of each row for the file name or clicking on the file name itself.
Figure 10. Downloading files from the document grid
Depending on the browser you are using, a dialog box may come up asking you to Open or Save the file or it may appear at the bottom of your webpage like below here you can also choose what you want to do with the downloaded file:
Figure 11. Dialog box for downloaded file
Removing Uploaded Files
It is possible to remove a file you uploaded. To remove a file, choose the file you want to remove and put a checkmark under the “Removed” column. After you put the checkmark, a message will appear to confirm if you really want to remove the selected file.
Figure 12. Removing an uploaded file
Click “OK” on the dialog box that comes up to confirm removal of the file. After you click OK on this message, it will remove the file. Once done, a dialog box will come up again to inform you that the file has been removed.
Figure 13. Removed file confirmation message
When you click OK, you can verify that the file is no longer shown in the document grid.
Figure 14. Document grid with file removed
Restoring a Removed File
Removing a file does not delete it from the system. It will no longer appear in the document grid but, if you remove a document in error, it can still be restored. Contact your Security Officer for assistance in restoring removed files.