Help Resources

NCAtrak Users are provided with a variety of resources to help them learn how to use NCAtrak and navigate all of its features effectively:

• Documentation

• Online Training Materials

• Online Help

Click on the “Help & Support” dropdown menu on the left-hand side of NCAtrak then select “Documentation” to access a complete menu of these resources. This section contains information about the operation of NCAtrak as a web-based application that is shared with CACs across the country, and information about working in NCAtrak.

Figure 1. “Documentation” on the Help & Support Menu

Click a link or scroll down to locate information on the following topics:

• Documentation

• Online Training Materials

• Online Help


Documentation is generally more about the operation of NCAtrak than about how to work in it. It includes a list of links to word documents you can download, save and/or print for future reference.

Figure 2. Word Document Resources

Resources are listed by “Category” and “Document Name.”

Click on “View” and the document will download. Depending on the browser you are using, a dialog box may come up to provide you with choices on what you want to do with the document or it will download the file automatically.

Online Training Materials

Training materials are available in addition to the online help and other NCAtrak documentation. There are a variety of types of materials. To view any of the materials simply click “View” and the file will open for you. Some are audio files that you can listen to while following along in your own version of NCAtrak. Others are power point presentations, videos or PDF files. 

Resources are listed by “Category” and “Document Name.”

Figure 3. Online Training Materials

Click on “View” and a separate window or tab will open in your browser depending on the type of material format, i.e. if it is a PDF file, it will open in a new tab/window, if it is a video file, it may open the video in a new tab/window or redirect you to a video hosting site, etc.

Online Help

The “Online Help” section includes a list of links to help files in written or video format.

Resources are listed by “Category,” and “Document Name.”

Figure 4. Help Files

Click on “View” and a separate window or tab will open in your browser depending on the type of file format, i.e. if it is a PDF file, it will open in a new tab/window, if it is a video file, it may open the video in a new tab/window or redirect you to a video hosting site, etc.

After you are finished with the help file, simply close the window and return to NCAtrak.

You can also access the help file for a specific section or active page in NCAtrak that you are currently in by clicking on the question mark button at the top right section of the page.

Figure 5. Help Button

For example, you are on the MDT tab, when you click on this button, the help file for the MDT tab will open.

IMPORTANT: All names, agencies and cases you see in any of the screenshots in the help files are fictional. These came from our fake CAC and all names/cases are made up.