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q      Description of the Biography

The first time a person is added to a case record in NCAtrak their biography is automatically created. In the future, if this same person is added to another case, their name will display in the person look-up table and you will have the opportunity to select their name rather than adding it a second time into NCAtrak. This process will automatically update the biography record. The provide designated team members with the ability to maintain a record for each person ever associated with a case in the database, and to track the person across multiple cases. The Biography Tabs are divided into the following sections ‘Personal Profile’ and ‘Cases’.

q      Locate the Biography

ü      The Biography for a person is accessible from My Cases on the Home Page, (click the child’s name)

ü      The Case Search Tab (Search option in the Home Page Menu Bar)

ü      The People Search Tab (Search option in the Home Page Menu Bar)

ü      And by clicking the “Bio” command link in the Action Column of the People Associated with this Case Table on the People Tab in the case record.

q      Personal Profile Tab

The Profile is all of the information that is used to identify the person. You will notice that some information is separated on the tab into a section called “Information from Most Recent Case.”

This section contains information that might be different from case to case. If there have been changes in this information, for example, if this person has lived somewhere else, that information is displayed in the Cases Tab.


ü      Edit Profile Information

1.     Make the additions/changes that you want to make, See chart below for details.

2.    To delete information, use your cursor to highlight the information in a text box and click “Delete” on your keyboard, or select the Blank option in a pull-down list.

3.    Click “Save” at the top of the Tab.

4.    Alternatively click ‘Cancel’ to cancel any changes.


ü      Adding an Alias

An alias is a name that this person is known by or has used in the past. When you enter an alias, the name will automatically display in the Person Look-up List and will be easily associated with the person you are listing here.

1.     To add an alias, enter what you know of the ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’ and the ‘Middle Name’.  Click ‘Save’ to save the new alias.

2.    Click ‘Edit’ to make changes to the alias.

3.    Alternatively click ‘Cancel’ to cancel any changes.

q      Cases Tab

This view only tab provides the ability for designated team members to track people across multiple cases. All the cases this person has been involved in are displayed here in an expandable table.


ü      Working in the Cases Tab

1.     Click the ‘Cases’ tab.  You will be presented with a list of cases associated with this person.

2.    Clicking the case number takes you to the case record.

3.    Clicking the plus (+) sign next to the case number presents you with additional biographical information about the person at the time of the selected case, and a list of other people associated with this case. When you click on a person’s name in the list of people associated with this case, the Biography for that person will be displayed.

4.    To edit the Information displayed here, click the Case Number located beside the (+) sign and the case record will open so that you can edit what you want.



Data Entry Sections

Data Fields


Additional Actions

How to Use

Personal Profile



First, Middle, Last Names, Nick Name

The first and last name fields are highlighted in red because they are required fields.



For the Social Security Number you can enter the 9 digits without dashes and NCAtrak will format it like this     ###-##-####     when you click save. 

Date of Birth, Unknown Date of Birth, and Date of Death

·         You can type the date in the data field box by entering the numeric month/date/year. The “/” marks will automatically appear so you only need to type the numbers, or you can look up the date on the calendar.

       If a DOB is unknow check the Unknown Date of Birth Check box.

·         If you enter the Date of Birth, the Age at time of Referral (in the case specific information section) will automatically update based on the date the case was received by the CAC. If you don’t know the DOB but you do want to enter an Age, you can do so in the Case Specific Information section.

Gender, Race, Religion, and Language

All are pick lists created by your CAC.


Disabilities is a pick list displayed so that you can select more than one.

Special Needs, Comments

These text boxes are for your own discretion. Please follow your CAC guidelines regarding the types of information you enter in Comment boxes.

Prior Convictions

These next four fields provide checkboxes for you to use to indicate if any of the issues is true for this person, (Convicted of Crime Against Children, Sexual Offender, and Sexual Predator).


An alias is a name that this person is known by or has used in the past. When you enter an alias, the name will automatically display in the Person Look-up List and will be easily associated with the person you are listing here.

1.       To add an alias, enter what you know of the ‘First Name’, ‘Last Name’ and the ‘Middle Name’.  Click ‘Save’ to save the new alias.

2.      Click ‘Edit’ to make changes to the alias.

3.      Alternatively click ‘Cancel’ to cancel any changes.

Data Provider & Person IDs – only display for CACs who have a Data Provider sending information electronically to NCAtrak via Data Transfer.

Data Provider

The name of the Data Provider who assigned the Person ID

Person ID

A person ID is not automatically assigned by NCAtrak but is provided by some Data Providers as their way to identify a person. There may be more than one Data Provider sending data to a CAC, therefore, there is an opportunity here to see the different Person IDs that each may have given this person.


Editing the Person ID is a separate privilege from editing a Biography. You may be able to edit the Biography but not the ID.

Information from Most Recent Case

The Data displayed here is in view only mode. To make edits, click on the Cases Tab and click the case number for the case that you need to edit.