The Mental Health tab provides designated team members with the ability to add, edit, delete, and 

view mental health therapy services provided to a client. It is divided into four subtabs: Basic, 

Case Notes, Assessment, and Treatment Plans.

The subtabs allow for organization of detailed mental health services and the ability to limit 

permissions of different users to view, update or be restricted entirely from each of these 

sections separately.

This provides for robust management of confidential client assessment and treatment information 

while maintaining client confidentiality in accordance with federal HIPAA requirements.

Your access to the Basic subtab can be limited to read only, full edit access or none at all. If 

you do not have access to this subtab in the MH tab, you will not see this tab at all. If you do 

not have access to any of the MH subtabs, you will not see the MH tab in a case. This depends on 

the role assigned to you in NCAtrak.

To learn how to manage privileges for the Mental Health Tab and its subtabs, see the help file

for “Roles.”

When you select the “MH” tab in a case, you will be at the “Basic” subtab by default.

Figure 1. “Basics” subtab

Layout of the Mental Health Basic Tab

Incoming Referral

Use the “Incoming Referral” section when a case is being referred to your CAC/MDT for mental

health services.

STEP 1: Enter Date

Start by entering the date the referral is made in the “Date” field.

STEP 2: Enter the Referring Agency

Enter the agency referring the client for treatment. Select the agency that made the referral from 

the “Referral Source” drop down list. The agency may be an outside agency but also may be your own 


Figure 2. Referring Agency

NOTE: To add a new Agency, click on the “Add” button next to the Referral Source field.

Figure 3. “Add” button for Referral Source

A “New Agency” dialog box will appear with a list of existing agencies at the top. Check to make 

sure the agency you want to add is not in the list. If it is on the list, select it there and 

return to the Incoming Referral section. If it is not on the list, enter the agency name, address 

and phone number in the open fields. Click “Save” to add the new agency or “Cancel” to forego 

adding a new agency.

STEP 3: Enter the Individual Making the Referral

Next, select the individual who made the referral from the “Person” drop down list.

Figure 4. Referring Person drop down list

NOTE: To add a new Person, click on the “Add” button next to the Person field.

Figure 5. “Add” button for referring person

A “New Personnel” dialog box will appear with a list of existing individuals associated with the 

agency. Check to make sure the person you want to add is not in the list. If they are on the list, 

click cancel to return the Incoming Referral section and select them from the Person drop down box. 

If the individual does not appear in the list, enter the individual’s name, credentials, job title, 

email address and phone number, if known. First and last names are required. Click “Save” to add 

the new person or “Cancel” to forego adding a new person.

STEP 4: Custom Fields

The “Custom Fields” section allows an agency to add up to five custom fields to the Mental Health 

Basic subtab. Refer to the “Custom Fields” help file for information on how to add and manage these 

custom fields.

Figure 6. “Custom Fields” section

Mental Health Provider Log

The Mental Health Provider Log is used to record mental health treatment providers assigned to the 


Figure 7. “Mental Health Provider Log”

STEP 1: Add a Mental Health Treatment Provider

Click on the “Add Provider” button and the Edit dialog box will appear. Select the Provider Agency 

from the drop down list.

Figure 8. “MH Providers Agency” drop down list

NOTE: To add a new Agency, click on the “Add” button next to the MH Provider Agency field.

A “New Agency” dialog box will appear with a list of existing agencies at the top. Check to make 

sure the agency you want to add is not in the list. If it is on the list, select it there. If it is 

not on the list, enter the agency name, address and phone number in the open fields. Click “Save” 

to add the new agency or “Cancel” to forego adding a new agency.

Figure 9. “New Agency” dialog box

STEP 2: Add Individual Provider

Next, select the individual providing mental health treatment services from the “Person” drop

down box.

Figure 10. “Person” drop down list

NOTE: To add a new Person, click on the “Add” button next to the Person field.

The “New Personnel” dialog box will appear with a list of existing individuals associated with the 

agency. Check to make sure the person you want to add is not in the list. If they are on the list, 

select them from there. If the individual does not appear in the list, enter the individual’s name, 

credentials, job title, email address and phone number, if known. First and last names

are required. Click “Save” to add the new person or “Cancel” to forego adding a new person.

Figure 11. “New Personnel” dialog box

STEP 3: Enter Additional Information

Continue adding information about the case as necessary by filling out the other available fields.

Enter a case number in the “MH Case #” field, if applicable. Then you can enter the “Date Therapy 

Offered to Family.”.

IMPORTANT: The “Date Therapy Offered to Family” field is used for counting cases that were referred 

to MH Therapy services in the statistics report.

If sessions have ended, you can add the reason by using the “Reason Sessions Ended” dropdown list 

to record a treatment status from among the selections. This is customizable for your CAC in the 

Pick List section. Contact your Security Officer if you want to add more items to this list.

Check the “Therapy Record Created” box.

Figure 12. “MH Case #,” “Date Therapy Offered to Family,” “Reason Sessions Ended,” and “Therapy 

Record Created” fields

Continue on by selecting a “Referral Type” from the drop down box.

Click the “Wait List” check box if the child has been placed on the provider’s wait list.

If you have confirmation that the child/family has accepted services, tick on the “Child/Family 

Accepted Therapy Services” check box.

If the child/family has completed their treatment with this provider, enter a date in “Therapy 

Completed Date.”

Select “Update,” to save the provider information and return to the Mental Health Provider

Log, or click on “Cancel” to forego adding the record to the log.

Figure 13. “Referral Type,” “Wait List,” “Child/Family Accepted Therapy Services,” and “Therapy

Completed Date” fields

STEP 4: Sort the Mental Health Treatment Provider Log

Every time a new MH Provider log has been added, it will appear at the top of the list in the table 

for Mental Health Provider Log.

You can sort the different columns in the table, i.e. sort the names of the Agencies alphabetically 

or sort the dates from latest to oldest or vice versa. To do this, you just have to click on the 

column name once and it will sort. If you click on the same column name, it will sort in the 

reverse order.

For example, you want to sort by date. When you click on the “Date Services Offered” column once, 

it will sort the entries from oldest to latest and an upward arrow will appear beside the column 

name. If you click on the Date column again, it will sort the entries in reverse order and a 

downward arrow will appear beside the column name.

Figure 14. Sort Mental Health Provider Log by “Date Services Offered”

Figure 15. Sort Mental Health Provider Log by “Date Services Offered” in reverse order

STEP 5: Review and Edit Mental Health Treatment Providers

Once a Provider has been entered into the Mental Health Treatment Provider log, you can edit

the entry record by clicking on the “Edit” button next to the Provider’s name.

The Edit dialog box for changing the Provider information will appear. Proceed to edit the fields 

with any updates to the case.

Select “Update,” to save the edits and return to the Mental Health Provider Log, or click on 

“Cancel” to forego saving edits to the entry.

Outside Referrals

Use the “Outside Referrals” table to record child and family referrals for mental health

treatment services provided outside of the CAC.

STEP 1: Add New Outside Referral

Click on the “Add New Referral” button to add an entry in this section.

Figure 16. “Add New Referral” button

STEP 2: Add Referral Information

A dialog box will come up where you can enter the information for the Outside Referral.

Figure 17. “Add Referral Information” dialog box Enter the date the referral was made in the “Date” 


Select the provider the referral was made for from the “Referred To” drop down list. Add any notes, 

if applicable, to the “Comments” section.

Select “Update,” to save the referral information and return to the Outside Referrals table, or 

click on “Cancel” to forego adding the record to the log.

Additional Points of Contact

Use the “Additional Points of Contact” to add information about other individuals and agencies 

related to the client’s mental health treatment services.

To add a contact, click on the “Add New Point of Contact” button.

Figure 18. “Add New Points of Contact” button

This will open a dialog box for entering information about the new point of contact.

Figure 19. New point of contact dialog box

Enter the contact’s agency, name, phone and email in the text fields.

Select “Update,” to save the point of contact information and return to the Additional Points of 

Contact table, or click on “Cancel” to forego adding the record to the log.

Contact Info Table

The Contact Info table will include the name and address of the client and the client’s 

parent/caregiver. This information is populated by the address information entered for the client 

and parent/caregiver through the “People” tab. Refer to the “People” help file to edit client or 

parent/caregiver contact information.

This section also includes a “Date Therapy Completed” field. Enter the date the client completed 

therapy in this field by using the calendar or entering the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Figure 20. “Contact Info” table and “Date Therapy Completed” field

Document Upload

To upload documents related to the referral or coordination of mental health services, scroll down 

to the “Document Upload” section. This is available in every MH subtab. Files uploaded in one 

subtab are NOT visible in other subtabs.

Use the “Select Files” button to upload files.

Figure 21. “Document Upload” section and “Select files” button

Refer to the “Document Upload” help file for details on uploading and managing documents.

NOTE: NCA does not recommend the storage of evidentiary documents as part of this case record. Any 

copies of evidentiary materials should be retained by the appropriate law

enforcement and prosecution partners.