Details of client treatment plans can be entered into the case record to manage treatment plan
types, dates, providers, and related documentation. Options for adding and managing treatment plans
are found on the “Treatment Plan” subtab of the “MH” tab.
When you select the MH tab in a case, you will be at the “Basic” subtab by default.
Click on the “Treatment Plan” subtab to begin entering your treatment plan.
Figure 1. “Treatment Plan” subtab
Your access to this subtab can be limited to read only, full edit access or none at all. If you do
not have access to this subtab in the MH tab, you will not see this tab at all. If you do not have
access to any of the MH subtabs, you will not see the MH tab in a case. This depends on the role
assigned to you in NCAtrak.
To learn how to manage privileges for the Mental Health Tab and its subtabs, see the help file
for “Roles.”
Layout of the Mental Health Treatment Plan Tab
Add a New Treatment Plan
STEP 1: Select “Add New” Treatment Plan
On the Treatment Plan subtab, click on the “Add New” button to begin to enter your treatment plan.
Figure 2. “Add New” button
An Edit dialog box will appear with various fields for you to fill out about the details of the
client’s treatment plan.
Figure 3. “Edit” dialog box
STEP 2: Enter Treatment Plan Details
Enter the date the treatment plan was prepared/made for the client in the “Plan Date” field.
Then, click on the “Treatment Model” drop down list to select which treatment model will be used
for the client’s treatment plan.
Figure 4. “Plan Date,” and “Treatment Model” fields
NOTE: A list of common, evidenced-based Treatment Models has been pre-populated in this field. See
“Add New Treatment Model and Interventions,” below, for instructions on how to add additional
treatment plan models to your list of Treatment Models.
Select the appropriate “Provider Agency” and “Therapist” who will be conducting the treatment plan
from the dropdown lists in these fields.
Input the “Expected Length of Services” associated with the current treatment plan either by typing
in a number in the field or by clicking on the up/down arrows until you land on the appropriate
number of days, weeks, months or years you anticipate spending on the treatment plan and then
selecting that unit of time in the dropdown list.
Enter the corresponding “Planned Start” and “Planned End” dates based on the date you expect to
begin treatment plan services and the Expected Length of Services you have entered. Input a date to
review the treatment plan in the “Plan Review Date” field. For these date fields, you can either
use the calendar or type the date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Figure 5. “Provider Agency,” “Therapist,” “Expected Length of Services,” “Planned Start,” “Planned
End,” and “Plan Review Date” fields
For the “Authorization Status” field, select the appropriate status for the client’s treatment
plan. Once the treatment plan has started, you can set this to “In Progress”. During the course of
providing treatment plan services and upon concluding services for the assigned treatment plan,
return to this field to update the treatment plan status.
Figure 6. “Authorization Status” drop down list
Notes can be added about the treatment plan and any progress including goals.
Figure 7. Session Notes and Treatment Plan Progress comment fields
Select one or more forms, as applicable for the client, from the “Privacy Forms Distributed” check
boxes and one or more person(s) from whom consent to provide treatment was obtained from under the
“Consents Obtained” check boxes.
Figure 8. “Privacy Forms Distributed,” and “Consents Obtained” check boxes
STEP 3: Save Treatment Plan Details
After you have entered all of the Treatment Plan details for the client, click on the “Update” to
save the treatment plan and return to the list of Treatment Plans or click on “Cancel” to forego
saving the new treatment plan.
Figure 9. “Update,” and “Cancel” buttons
Review and Edit Existing Treatment Plans
Once a new Treatment Plan has been created for the client and saved, it will appear in the
Treatment Plans table in the Treatment Plan subtab.
You can sort the different columns in the table, i.e. sort the names of the Treatment Plans
alphabetically or sort the plan dates from latest to oldest or vice versa. To do this, you just
have to click on the column name once and it will sort. If you click on the same column name, it
will sort in the reverse order.
For example, you want to sort by date. When you click on the “Plan Date” column once, it will sort
the entries from oldest to latest and an upward arrow will appear beside the column name. If you
click on the Date column again, it will sort the entries in reverse order and a downward arrow will
appear beside the column name.
Figure 10. Sort by “Plan Date”
Figure 11. Sort by “Plan Date” in reverse order
Click on the “Edit” button next to any treatment plan to review and edit the details of any
Treatment Plan in the list.
Figure 12. “Edit” button
Once you click on the Edit button, the details of your Treatment Plan will appear in a dialog box.
Make changes to any field and select the “Update” button, or select “Cancel” to forego any edits
and return to the Treatment Plan table. For detailed instructions on making selections in each
field of the Treatment Plan menu, see “Add a New Treatment Plan” above.
Upload Documents Related to the Treatment Plan
To upload documents related to the treatment plans for the clients, scroll down to the “Document
Upload” section. This is available in every MH subtab. Files uploaded in one subtab are NOT visible
in other subtabs.
Use the “Select Files” button to upload files.
Figure 13. “Document Upload” section and “Select Files” button
Refer to the “Document Upload” help file for details on uploading and managing documents.
NOTE: NCA does not recommend the storage of evidentiary documents as part of this case record. Any
copies of evidentiary materials should be retained by the appropriate law enforcement and
prosecution partners.
Add a New Treatment Model and Interventions
A list of the most common treatment models and their corresponding interventions are already
available for you in the Treatment Model list when you want to create or edit a client’s Treatment
However, should your CAC need to add other treatment models and interventions to this list for your
center, you can do this as well.
STEP 1: Select “Add New” Treatment Model in the Treatment Plan Subtab.
To add a new Treatment Model for your CAC, click on either the “Add New” button in the
Treatment Plan subtab or the “Edit” button beside an already saved Treatment Plan. This will
open an Edit dialog box for you to enter or modify the details of the Treatment Plan. Click on the
Add button beside the Treatment Model field in this dialog box.
Figure 14. “Add” Treatment Model button
This will open the “Treatment Plan Setup” dialog box which lists down all currently available
treatment models and their associated interventions.
Figure 15. “Treatment Plan Setup” dialog box
STEP 2: Select “Add New Record” in the Treatment Plan Setup
Click on the “Add New Record” button at the top of the Treatment Plan Setup box. A new row will
appear at the top of the list of existing Treatment Models. Editable fields in the newly added row
will allow you to enter the name of the new Treatment Model you want to add to the list for your
CAC and an associated Intervention.
Figure 16. “Add New Record” button and editable Treatment Model fields
Type in the name of the new Treatment Model in the field under the Treatment Model column.
Then, type the first Intervention in the field under the Intervention column. Click “Update” to
save or click “Cancel” to forego saving the new treatment model.
Figure 17. “Update” button and new “Treatment Model” and “Intervention”
After you click on the “Update” button, the new Treatment Model and the associated Intervention
will be saved and added to the list of Treatment Models on the Treatment Plan Setup.
To add more interventions to the newly added Treatment Model, click on the “Add New Record” button
again. Use the dropdown list to select the name of the new Treatment Model or type the name into
the field, then enter the name for the next Intervention you want to add for this treatment model.
Figure 18. “Treatment Model” and “Intervention” fields and newly added “Treatment Model”
Click on the “Update” button to save it. Continue repeating these steps until all of the associated
Interventions have been added to your new Treatment Model.
This Treatment Model will now be available in the list of options when adding a new Treatment Plan
to a case.
STEP 3: Review and Edit Treatment Models and Interventions
You will be able to edit only the treatment models and interventions that you added for your CAC.
The available list of the most common treatment models in NCAtrak are not editable.
To review and make changes to a treatment model you added for your CAC and its interventions, click
on the expand button on the left of the Treatment Model’s name in the list. This looks like an
arrowhead pointing to the right.
Click on the “Edit” button next to a Treatment Model and associated Intervention to make changes to
that entry. Once changes are made, click on “Update” to save your changes and return to the list of
Treatment Models or click on “Cancel” to forego the changes you made.
Figure 19. “Expand” and “Edit” buttons
If you want to delete an Intervention from the Treatment Model you added/created, click on the
Delete button on the row for the Intervention you want to delete.
Figure 20. Confirmation dialog box
You will be asked to confirm the deletion and when you click OK, the Intervention will be
deleted. If you click Cancel, it will not be removed.