Session/appointment logs for mental health treatment sessions can now be entered on the
“Case Notes” subtab of the “MH” tab.
When you select the MH tab in a case, you will be at the “Basic” subtab by default. Click on the
“Case Notes” subtab to begin entering case notes to a client’s mental health file.
Figure 1. “Case Notes” subtab
Your access to this subtab can be limited to read only, full edit access or none at all. If you do
not have access to this subtab in the MH tab, you will not see this tab at all. If you do not have
access to any of the MH subtabs, you will not see the MH tab in a case. This depends on the role
assigned to you in NCAtrak.
To learn how to manage privileges for the Mental Health Tab and its subtabs, see the help file
for “Roles.”
Layout of the Mental Health Case Notes Tab
Add a new session Log
STEP 1: Click on the Add New Session Log button.
To add a new MH session log for a case, go to the Case Notes subtab and click on the “Add New
Session Log” button.
Figure 2. “Add New Session Log” button
STEP 2: Enter Session Details
In the Edit dialog box that comes up after you click on the “Add New Session Log” button, you can
enter all the details about the MH session. The “Date” field defaults to today’s date when adding a
new one.
Figure 3. MH session details dialog box
To schedule a future session, you can change the date to a future date, set the anticipated start
and end times in the “Start” and “End” fields and select “Scheduled” from the “Status” drop down
Select the appropriate “Provider Agency” and “Provider Personnel” who will conduct the session from
the dropdown lists in these fields.
Select where the session will be held from the “Location” drop down list and check the “Onsite”
box if the session will be conducted onsite or in the CAC.
Select the type of session from the “Type” drop down list.
If applicable, specify funding source by selecting an option from the “Funding Source” drop
down list.
Figure 4. “Date,” “Start,” “End,” “Status,” “Provider Agency,” “Provider Personnel,” “Location,”
“Onsite,” “Type,” “Funding Source,” and “Intervention” fields
NOTE: Funding Source options are specific to each CAC. Contact your Security Officer/CAC
Administrator to add to, or to modify this list.
For the “Intervention” field, choose the intervention that will be addressed in this session based
on the Treatment Plan assigned to the client. If none or not applicable, you can leave it blank.
Treatment Plans are assigned to a client via the Treatment Plan subtab. See the MH Tab Treatment
Plan help file for more information.
You can add session notes by typing information into the “Comments” text field and using the
different checkbox lists to indicate details about the client that you have noted during your
session. You can increase or decrease the size of the “Comments” field by using the plus (+) and
minus (-) buttons beside it.
Figure 5. “Comments,” “Client Mood,” “Suicidal Ideation,” and “Homicidal Ideation,” fields
You can tick on the appropriate options in the “Client Mood” and “Client Affect” checkbox list, and
select the applicable options in the “Suicidal Ideation” and “Homicidal Ideation” checkbox list as
you have noted during the session.
The “Attendees” section lets you record who attended the session. The list of available options
here are the people associated to the case from the People tab.
Figure 6. “Attendees” section
The provider can make an informal, qualitative assessment on progress made toward the goals of the
treatment plan in the session by selecting an option from the “Treatment Plan Progress” check list.
Figure 7. “Treatment Plan Progress
Make sure to click on the “Update” button to save all of your changes. This will close the Edit
dialog box and bring you back to the Session Log/Appointments table. If you do not wish to save
your changes, click on the Cancel button.
STEP 3: Review and Edit Session Logs
Every time a new session log has been added, it will appear at the top of the list in the “Session
Log/Appointments” table. You can sort the different columns in the table, i.e. sort the types of
session alphabetically or sort the dates from latest to oldest or vice versa. To do this, you just
have to click on the column name once and it will sort. If you click on the same column name, it
will sort in the reverse order.
For example, you want to sort by date. When you click on the Date column once, it will sort the
entries from oldest to latest and an upward arrow will appear beside the column name. If you click
on the Date column again, it will sort the entries in reverse order and a downward arrow will
appear beside the column name.
Figure 8. Sorting sessions by “Date”
Figure 9. Sorting sessions by “Date” in reverse order
If you need to make changes to a saved session log, use the “Edit” button to update the session
record. Any session log on the list can be updated at any time.
Once you have made your changes in the log, select “Update” to return to the Session
Log/Appointments table.
Figure 10 “Edit,” and “Delete” buttons
To delete a session log record, click on the “Delete” button. A pop up box will come up with the
message, “Are you sure you want to delete this record?”, so you can confirm the deletion.
Figure 11. Confirmation dialog box
Select “OK” to delete or “Cancel” to forego deleting the record.
Agenda and Calendar Views of the Session Log
The Session Logs can be displayed in two view, Agenda or Calendar view. You can click on the tab
for the view that you want to use.
The Agenda view lists sessions by date and the Calendar view shows them like you are looking at a
Calendar. The Calendar view can further be set for you to view the sessions monthly or weekly.
To edit or add sessions from the Calendar view, double click on the session and it will bring up
the Edit dialog box for the session as it does when you click on the “Add New Session Log” or
“Edit” buttons in the Agenda view.
Figure 12. Calendar view by month
Figure 13. Calendar view by week
Scheduling Recurring Sessions
Mental Health Sessions can be scheduled as recurring sessions by checking the Recurring check box when scheduling a new session. The recurrence frequency can be set to weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly and Recurrence Duration can be set by number of months. A month equals four weeks so if you want to schedule six session choose two months and delete the last two sessions.
Figure 14. Recurring Sessions
Locking Case Notes and Electronic Signature
Once sessions are complete case notes can be locked by adding an electronic signature.
Figure 15. Lock Case Notes
Once a signature is added and the note is signed the session is no longer editable and can not be reverted back to being editable. A signature can only be added one time. Additionally, when the session is locked it is no longer viewable by other NCAtrak users other than a security officer.
Figure 16. Locked Notes
Document Upload
To upload documents related to scheduling sessions or case notes, scroll down to the
“Document Upload” section. This is available in every MH subtab. Files uploaded in one subtab
are not visible in other subtabs.
Use the “Select Files” button to upload files.
Figure 17. “Document Upload” section and “Select Files” button
Refer to the “Document Upload” help file for details on uploading and managing documents.
NOTE: NCA does not recommend the storage of evidentiary documents as part of this case record. Any
copies of evidentiary materials should be retained by the appropriate law
enforcement and prosecution partners.