The People tab provides designated team members with the ability to create and maintain a list
of all the people associated with a case and each person’s biography.
When a case record is created the personal profile and case specific information about the alleged
victim/client and all other people associated with the case is automatically entered into the
People Tab.
Other people can be added as they are identified throughout the investigation and each
person’s record can be updated as more information is learned.
Figure 1. People Associated with the Case
Layout of the People Tab
The People tab is laid out in the following sections:
• People Associated with the Case Table: a list of the people associated with the case and their
role and relationship to the alleged victim/client
• Alleged Offender Name Unknown: A place to record information about an offender when you do not
know enough identifiable information to create a person record.
Add a Person to a Case
STEP 1: Lookup Person
To add a person to a case, click on the “Add” button at the top of the table.
Figure 2. “Add” button
The Lookup Person dialog box will come up. Enter the last name of the person you want to add
and click “Search.”
Figure 3. “Lookup Person” dialog box
All people entered into the database with that last name will appear in a table. Look through the
list on the dialog box to see if the person is already in your NCAtrak database. You can verify
if the person from the search results is indeed the person you are looking for by clicking on the
“View” button beside the name of the person you want to check the profile of.
Figure 4. View Person Profile
This will show the selected person’s profile and the list of cases where the person is in, if any.
Seeing these details about the person can then help you be sure that you are adding the correct
person to the case.
You can click on the “Cancel” button to go back to the search results and get out of the person’s
profile view.
Figure 5. Using Cancel to leave a Person Profile
Once you have found the person you want to add to the case, click on the “Select” button and you
will be taken to the Personal Profile page of the selected person so you can enter more details
about the person and to enter information specific to the case.
Figure 6. Select Person to Add
If you cannot find a match to the person you want to add to the case, click on the “No Match Found”
button. You will then be redirected to the Personal Profile page to add all the details for the new
Figure 7. “No Match Found” Button
Step 2: Enter Personal Profile Information
Enter the person’s information into the fields on the Personal Profile. The “People Tab Data
Fields” table below provides a description of the available data fields. This section provides data
entry space for information about the person that tends to remain constant, (like Name, DOB, SS#).
Figure 8. Personal Profile Section
Step 3: Enter Case Specific Information
Enter as much information as you can in this section. The “People Tab Data Fields” table below
provides a description of the available data fields. This section provides data entry space for
information that needs to remain the same for this case, even if the person is listed on another
case in the future. (Like age at time of referral, address, and phone).
Figure 9. Case Specific Information Section
IMPORTANT: When adding a person to a case and you are entering details in the person’s Personal
Profile page, the person’s First Name, Last Name, Relationship to Alleged
Victim/Client and Role are required. You will get an error message if you attempt to create a
record without each of these filled in.
Figure 10. Required Fields
View, Edit or Delete Information on the People Tab
STEP 1: View a Person’s Information
To view a person’s information, locate the person in the list and click on the “Bio” button in the
same row as the person’s name.
Figure 11. Bio Button
You will be redirected to the person’s biography page and will no longer be working in a specific
The person’s Biography includes their “Personal Profile”, “Case Specific information” and a history
of “Cases” that the person is associated with/added to. You will land on the Personal Profile tab
by default.
IMPORTANT: The section “Case Specific Information” in the Personal Profile page displays the
selected person’s details from the latest case and is read-only/not editable. You need to be in a
case record to edit that information so the system knows which case you are updating.
To view a list of all of the cases the person is associated with, click on the “Cases” tab.
Figure 12. “Cases” Tab
To return to the case you were in, find the case number in the table and click on it.
STEP 2: Edit a Person’s Information
To modify a person’s information, find the person in the list and click on the “Edit” button in the
same row as the person’s name.
Figure 13. Edit button in the People Associated with the Case Table
Make the additions/changes that you want to make. See the “People Tab Data Fields” table below for
details of the available data fields.
Click on the “Save” button at the top or “Cancel” to forego changes and return to the table of
People Associated with the Case.
STEP 3: Delete a Person
To remove a person from the case, find the person in the list of people associated with the case
and click on the “Delete” button in the same row as the person’s name.
Figure 14. Delete button in the People Associated with the Case Table
A dialog box will come up to ask you to confirm that you want to delete a person from the case.
Click on “Ok” to confirm the removal of the person in the case or “Cancel” so as not to delete the
If a person cannot be deleted from the case, a message will come up to indicate why it is not
possible, i.e. the person has attended a VA session or the person has been charged (alleged
offender) under LE charges, etc.
NOTE: Deleting a person from a case may have additional consequences:
• If this person is not associated with any other case in the database their Biography will be
• If they are an alleged offender AND a prosecution case has been created listing them as a
defendant, any charges against them will be deleted.
• If they are the ONLY defendant on the prosecution case, it will also be deleted.
People Tab Data Fields
The table below contains information about the data fields on the People tab. Red data fields are
used to tabulate statistics for the NCA Statistics Report.
Data Entry Sections | Data Fields | How to Use |
Personal Profile | First, Middle, Last Names, Nick Name | First and Last names are required. |
Personal Profile | SSN | Social Security number must be entered in the XXX-XX-XXXX format with dashes |
Personal Profile | Date of Birth, Unknown Date of Birth, Date of Death | Use the calendar tool or enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY format. If you enter the Date of Birth, the Age at time of Referral (in the case specific information section) will automatically update based on the date the case was received by the CAC. If you don’t know the DOB but you do want to enter an Age, you can do so in the Case Specific Information section. If the DOB is unknown check the field and if there is a date of death enter the date in the provided field. |
Personal Profile | Biological Sex | This replaced the Gender field. |
Personal Profile | Self-identified Gender | Use this field to record the gender that the person identifies with. |
Personal Profile | Race, Religion, Language, Disabilities | Select from drop down menu |
Personal Profile | VOCA Classification | Check any boxes that apply |
Personal Profile | Risk Factors | These are risk factors associated with Commercial Sexual Exploitation. Check any boxes that apply |
Personal Profile | CSEC | CSEC stands for Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. It is a category of abuse wherein a commercial transaction includes sexual exploitation. Check all boxes that apply. |
Personal Profile | Child Pornography Involvement | If you check the Child Pornography box in the CSEC section, check all boxes that apply here. |
Personal Profile | Special Needs | This text box is for your own discretion. |
Personal Profile | Comments | This text field is just extra room to note whatever your team might need to know about the person. For example, when entering a child who is a former client, add the case number from the previous investigation to the comments section as a reference for the future. |
Personal Profile | Prior Convictions, Convicted of Crime Against Children, Sexual Offender, and Sexual Predator | These next four fields provide checkboxes for you to use to indicate if any of the issues is true for this person. You can use the comments above to add details if desirable for this person’s record in NCAtrak. |
Personal Profile | Aliases | An alias is a name that this person is known by or has used in the past. You can enter an alias after you save this person’s record. When you enter an alias, the name will automatically display in the Person Look-up List and will be easily associated with the person you are listing here. |
Case Specific Information | Relationship to the Alleged Victim/Client | Displays the relationship of this person to the Alleged Victim/Client on this case and is a required field. |
Case Specific Information | Role | Displays the role that this person has on this case and is a required field. |
Case Specific Information | VOCA Status | This is where programs with VOCA and/or other funders will indicate if this person is a primary or secondary victim. |
Case Specific Information | Age at Time of Referral | This field automatically calculates if you entered the Date of Birth above, based on the date the case was received by the CAC. If you don’t know the DOB but you do want to enter an Age, you can do so here. |
Case Specific Information | Address Line 1, 2, City, State, Zip, County |
county but you can select different ones when necessary. |
Case Specific Information | Home, Work, and Cell Phone, Email Address | You can enter the phone number as 7 or 10 consecutive numbers and the system will format the number for you like this: (xxx) xxx- xxxx. If you need to add an extension, enter an “x” immediately after the last number and up to 4 digit extension. |
Case Specific Information | School or Employer | A text box for recording the desired information about the person. |
Case Specific Information | Education level | This pick list is created by your CAC. |
Case Specific Information | Marital Status | This pick list is created by your CAC. |
Case Specific Information | Income Level of Household | This pick list is created by your CAC. |
Case Specific Information | Custom Fields | You may have up to 9 additional custom fields here. |