Security And You
You are the most important part of keeping your clients’ information safe. It is very important that you understand how to make good passwords, some basic information on how hackers work, and
The following items are critically important for keeping your information safe and are requirements for using NCAtrak:
• Never share your password. There are security officers who can help you change your password if you need help and a way to reset your own password.
• Never share accounts. Every person – even interns – who use NCAtrak are required to have their own login information.
• Never instruct your web browser to remember your password. If you have, search online for information on how to clear your password from your browser’s history.
• Never let anyone else use your NCAtrak account – even for a minute or two.
• Never write your password down.
• Never put your NCAtrak password on a sticky note on your monitor – even if it isn’t labeled as NCAtrak.
• Develop your own internal policies on data access based on job duties.
• Ensure that you are using WPA-2 encryption at a minimum on wireless networks at your office.
• Know your support personnel. Talk with the NCAtrak experts at NCA. Get to know them so that when you need to work with them, you can have confidence you are speaking to the correct person.
• Keep your e-mail address and phone number up to date in NCAtrak.
• Disable Login Accounts that are no longer being used at your CAC.
• Develop a specific check list in advance for what to do when colleagues no longer need access to NCAtrak.