Security officer's have privilege's that other users of NCAtrak do not have. As can be seen below the security officer role in NCAtrak can perform all functions.

A Security Officer is the local system administrator for NCAtrak.  They perform tasks like granting access to NCAtrak, configuring NCAtrak for your center, changing passwords, writing reports, and working with the NCAtrak support team.  

Features Security Officers can Perform in NCAtrak

Deny Access to Cases

A security officer can deny case access for users. This is accomplished through the personnel profile for that person.

If a user is denied access to a case they will not have any access to that case and will be informed that access is restricted.

MDT Roster

If the user clicks the case number they will get the following:

Delete Uploaded Documents

Only Security Officers can delete removed files. When a file is removed, it can be deleted from the system. To do this, tick on the “Display Removed Files” checkbox in the document grid. Any removed documents will appear and a delete button will be available. If you desire to delete the document, click on delete. A warning will appear confirming the document will be permanently deleted. Click ok to delete or cancel to not delete.

Delete Reports

Security Officers will have access to all reports created within the Custom Reports and has the ability to delete all reports regardless of the owner. 

Note: Security officers will not be able to edit other owners reports, only delete, copy, or run them.