Question 1: Please enter the total number of new alleged child victims receiving core direct CAC services for alleged maltreatment this reporting period (e.g., Forensic Interview, Victim Advocacy, Medical, Mental Health):
Question 2: Please enter the Assigned Sex at Birth/Biological Sex at Birth of the new alleged child victims served at the CAC this reporting period:
Decline to Answer
Question 3: Please enter the current self-identified Gender identities of the new alleged child victims served at the CAC this reporting period (Optional):
Transgender Female
Transgender Male
Another Gender Identity
Decline to Answer
Question 4: Please enter the current self-identified Pronouns (Optional):
Decline to Answer
Question 5: Please enter the Race/Ethnicity of the new alleged child victims served during the reporting period:
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian East or Southeast Asian
South Asian
Black/African American
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
White Non-Latino Caucasian
Another Racial Identity not listed above
Multiple Racial Identities
Not Reported
Not Tracked
Question 6: Please enter the number of all alleged victims, (child or adult), served in this reporting period for each of the following age categories at the time they presented at the CAC (Many CACs serve victims who are 18 or older):
11 to 17
18 to 24
Question 7: Please enter the total number of alleged offenders:
Question 8: Please enter the breakdown of the relationship of alleged offenders to the new children served during the reporting period:
Other relative
Parent's boyfriend/girlfriend
Other known person
Unknown relationship
Question 9: Please enter the number of alleged offenders in this reporting period for each of the following age categories at the time they presented at the CAC (each offender should only be counted once and should match the total number of offenders entered):
11 and Under
12-17 Years
18-24 Years
25+ Years
Not disclosed
Question 10: Please enter the types of abuse reported for the new children served during the reporting period:
Sexual abuse
Physical abuse
Witness to violence
Drug endangered
Question 11: Please enter the number of children receiving the following services during the reporting period:
Medical exams/treatment
Referral to counseling/therapy
Onsite forensic interviewing
Offsite forensic interviewing
Question 12: Please enter Child Protective Services disposition information. Specifically, the number of dispositions by the following categories:
Founded/reason to believe
Administrative closure
Unable to determine
Unfounded/ruled out
Other reason for closure
Question 13: Please enter any Prosecution Dispositions/Results that occurred during the reporting period:
Number of cases accepted for prosecution
Number of cases that resulted in convictions
Number of cases that resulted in pleas
Number of cases that resulted in acquittals
CAC Information Area of Report:
Question 1: Total number of CAC/MDT staff members who received training funded by the CAC in this reporting period:
Question 2: What is your organizational type?:
Independent 501c3
Program under an umbrella that is a 501c3
Hospital based CAC
Prosecutor/Government based CA C
Law Enforcement/Government based CAC
Child Protective Service/Government based CAC
Other Government based CAC
Hybrid CAC (e.g., prosecution based with a non-profit arm)
Tribal CAC
Question 3: Please choose the statement that best describes your physical location:
Our CAC has its own location, no MDT Partners are co-located.
Our CAC has its own location, MDT Partners are co-located. (MDT Partners are located at the CAC).
Our CAC is housed with an MDT partner. (The CAC is located at the MDT partners location).
Our CAC is a Satellite Location of a main CAC.
Question 4: Other Services Provided by the CAC during the reporting period:
Number of Children receiving Case Management/Coordination services
Number of Adults receiving Case Management/Coordination services
(Case Management e.g., Refers to cases presented to the MDT but not accepted for core direct CAC services. E.g., domestic violence, sexual assault of an adult, Mental Health Services, Dog Accompaniment Services, Drug screening, Foster Care Services, Transportation, etc.)
Number of Children Receiving Prevention Services
(e.g., School based prevention programs like Child Safety Matters, etc.)
Number of Adults Receiving Prevention Services
(e.g., Community based prevention programs like Stewards of Children, etc.)
Number of Awareness campaigns
(e.g., Holiday/Community Events, social media, Fundraisers, Newsletters, Prevention Campaigns including Pinwheel Events, walks, billboards, etc.)
Number of Impressions for your Awareness campaign(s) or people reached