Getting Started with MDTs

Working with an MDT is the heart of a CAC. Some CACs work with only one team and others may have many teams. Either way, we need to have a way to record information about what occurs at our MDT meetings. Setting up these MDT monitoring process is a multi-part endeavor. Step 1 is creating list of your MDTs. See the video below for information on how to complete this task:

Click below for help document with screenshots:

Getting Started with MDT Meeting Management in NCAtrak

MDT Coordination

Now that we have data in our system, how do we organize our cases and information so we can conduct an MDT meeting and record information about what happened at that meeting? The video below demonstrates how to use NCAtrak in conducting your MDT meetings.

See the attachment below MDT Tab for a video tutorial.

Click below for help document with screenshots:

MDT Create Roster Page

Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Meetings List

Overview of Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)Meeting Setup

Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Management

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If you have additional questions or need assistance, please contact,

202-458-0090 x125.